Ok, so who here loves LEGO'S?


here for the chicks
I used to love playing with it as a kid, but then I got a little older and dad gave me his old air-riffle.....not much Lego left after that.. :(


vapor accessory addict
When I was a kid, I loved playing with Legos. They only came in black and white back then. I would sit and build stuff while watching Motor City Wrestling (I was an odd child :p) When my son was born he took over the gauntlet. Multi-colored Legos and WWF. :lol:


i played for many hours a day when i was a child, i have vivid memories of it. my son also loves to play with them and for that reason (and partially for me) we have many thousands of pieces and keep adding to it every month or so. its incredibly entertaining and relaxing to vape vape vape then build build build and destroy repeat....then eat some cereal and watch cartoons.

:leaf: :science::popcorn::mmmm:


Well-Known Member
had a big box full of it as a kid. never built anything really nice tough, I was always more functional-minded. and with that I mean that for example I did'nt mind the colors. I built something to play with, like some car/wagon with guns and cannons, a house/hut etc, but for playing with it it didn't have to look really nice, so all the things I build were small/simple and in randomly different colors.
I was more into building my own story around it than in building the actual stuff, but with lego the nice thing was that I could build very various things to star in that.


Well-Known Member
And for those of us that are old enough to remember, a little trip down pre-lego land:





New Member
I used to have a Lego city in my room with a train when I was a kid.....miss that


Well-Known Member
And for those of us that are old enough to remember, a little trip down pre-lego land:

fingertips sore from turning those little metal screws/nuts, lincoln's house, and a ferris wheel as big as....possible :lol:


The Cloud Conductor
Never played with them much as a kid because I've been an avid gamer since the age of 5. I did however look at a few displays in a Lego Museum and was very impressed. People really construct some awesome things with Legos.
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