I find the SSV to be a reasonably efficient vaporizer, a little bit of ground bud will provide a few flavorful solid good hits (a log vape is more efficient though). The two things I like about the SSV being not hands free are about control - you can turn the bowl around the heater (like dialing) as you're hitting, and you can release the bowl at the end of the hit for the cool air blast. There is a hands free adapter for the SSV but I prefer not to use it at all. If you end up picking the SSV when you get it I think it will be obvious to you that it's built with the highest level of quality. I love the log vapes but more preparation is required and it may not be ideal for a beginner. On the other hand the preparation is minor and simple - drying and grinding. Still, you can get away with not drying or even grinding with the SSV (if you search youtube for tokinGLX it's this guy Paul who put up a few great tutorials for the SSV and he personally recommends using a manicuring scissor rather than a grinder for the SSV. When I first got my SSV four or five years ago I didn't have a grinder - my education came later - so I just put a nug in and it worked great. that's why I said earlier that it's a very forgiving vaporizer.).
Bottom line is that I wouldn't over think it at this point - you have the various recommendations and you'll be happy whatever you pick, and most likely you'll end up buying a few others down the line.
Bottom line is that I wouldn't over think it at this point - you have the various recommendations and you'll be happy whatever you pick, and most likely you'll end up buying a few others down the line.