@Accept, thanks for the shout-out. I haven't posted on that old, neglected thread in a while, but I have been using my cubi
(plural of cubis) with the donuts continually with great success, and I have been working with
@divinetribe and experimenting with some other ceramic heaters towards the goal of getting this "vape donkey" RTA for concentrates developed into something that is clean, potent, effective, ceramic, temp-controlled, leak-resistant, and also user-friendly.
Long story sort, there's still alot of work to do towards that goal, I hope I can post a more detailed update for you guys soon.
@whitie_bear, I saw your earlier post about the kanger ceramic coils. I have not used that particular coil and tank, but I did do a little research on them in the course of my project, and found some poor reviews. Because those coils are only available in kanthal wire
(no temp control support for most TC mods) and are bottom air-flow coils
, (prone to leakeage) I never bothered to try them. A friend of mine did try using them with e-juice and told me he didn't like them and they tasted burnt, but I bet he pumped the wattage too high to get that impression
@Accept pointed out, I posted up excessively long, tldr-type posts about my co2 oil in sub-ohm tank projects if you have some time, you may want to start
here or
If I could try to cut to the chase for your question and goals here, you may want to check out the vaporesso cCell coils with a compatible tank; they do vape quite well, wick well, taste great, but they are big and kind of wasteful, and prone to leakage IME. I think any bottom-air coil is, like some kanger protanks I messed around with earlier. At least it's something you can probably still buy readily from online vape shops, probably, and get some good results.
I have scoured the RTA / sub-ohm market, and bought a few other tanks to test that didn't work, but to my knowledge, there are no other readily-available, off-the-shelf tanks with
- ceramic, temp-controllable (sub ohm) coil heads
- that are also top-fill, top air flow, (easier to fill, leak-proof)
- and have good wicking ability
- or have coil heads that are modifiable to allow good wicking and using your own ceramic heaters
The closest thing I've found is the
cubis pro mini, although I had to modify it to work well with thick co2 oil. You can read up about it in the other thread and consider making one for yourself if you are handy, or I can make one for you.
And to your other general questions: yes, co2 oil can "wick" well with ceramic coils, but it helps to have large sized holes / slots in the atomizer coil, (not pin-holes) so the heater / wick can stay wet and avoid dry / burned hits. Many e-cig style gear, and the crappy 2 ohm pre-filled carts that are common, have pitifully small air flow and juice flow, contributing to burning, poor taste and performance.
Heaters and wicks are not the same thing also. The vaporessos have a wire-ladden, porous ceramic cylinder with a thin cotton layer wrapped around it. Over-heating the ceramic or running it too dry can ruin the cotton or
(un-cured) silica wick on an atomizer, ruining its flavor and diminishing its function, even if the ceramic heater integrity remains fine. Temp control helps alot in this area to keep wicks fresh.
I've had great success with the the ceramic (cured silica) "readyX" wicks in my atomizers and they work great, you can't really "burn" them, but they can get "gunked up" and taste bad if overheated or fired up dry too much, but at least they hold up and can be washed.
I've also been experimenting with truly wick-less, ceramic coils, having some success, but I need more time with that, to see if it's really better or worse than using ceramic heaters with or without ceramic wicks too.
co2 oil and distillate, not mixed with any fillers or solvents, is the best concentrates to fill a tank with, IMO. It is improper and unhealthy to use stuff like PG/PEG to try to force thick, waxy BHOs into a tank, where they don't really belong. (imo, again) If you really want, you could use such chemicals and make your shatter tank-ready, and there's tons of posts and resources here on FC to steer you in that goal if you choose, but it also ruins the taste of concentrates, so if you could get co2 oil instead, I wouldn't bother with your own mixing.
Shatters and crumbles are lots of fun and I love vaping those too, but I don't try to force it in a tank. You should look into a "load n' go" ceramic RDA like the Divine Tribe V3 if you want to vape that stuff on your pico.
hope that helps, too much to read from me as usual, welcome to FC