thanks for the great review!! enjoy!!
Og Domewrecker atty testing is done!
It is a big atty with a large bowl, there is 2 ceramic rods and a cap as the Evolve.
I paired it with my Dabstorm 30W VV/VW battery and placed a large dabs on the rods, i was afraid it will pool cause ceramic rods seems a bit too high. Abolutly nothing reached the bottom of the atty using 8W power and i got some very thick clouds...a bit too much so i decided to low my setting to 6W and it is perfect very thick and smooth hits and taste is nice. My only issue, it vaporizes very fast and heat your stash!
About is a lot better than my only other double ceramic coil atty which was from Divine tribe (harsh and bad taste), it offers bigger clouds than the Evolve or V-one (when it worked) does, maybe smoother, about taste Evolve is better while still new but taste degrade pretty fast with time, the OG seems to taste as good after some dabs than after the first. The closer atty I can compare it is my 7.4v Kiss cart from Uptech (without the need to pulse at 6w) but, imho, OG Domewercker is a bigger hitter although (and smooth as hell!) and airflow is large!
A humble pic: