Official FC make up band names thread...


Stationary Traveler
I don't know if there are any Parks and Recreations fans here, but here's a list of Andy's previous band names:

A.D. and the D Bags
The Andy Andy Andies
Andy Dwyer Experience
Angel Snack
Death of a Scam Artist
Department of Homeland Obscurity
Everything Rhymes with Orange
Flames For Flames
God Hates Figs
Hand Grill Suicide
Jet Black Pope
Just The Tip
Mouse Rat
Muscle Confusion
Ninja Dick
Nothing Rhymes with Blorange
Nothing Rhymes with Orange
Penis Pendulum
Possum Pendulum
Punch Face Champions
Puppy Pendulum
Rad Wagon
Teddy Bear Suicide
Two Doors Down


Stationary Traveler
Oh and I completely agree with all the sentiments about music going to the crapper. Let me preface what I'm about to say by letting everyone know that I'm 23. In just a few decades, music went from a profound form of communication that artists would use to convey an idea or emotion to this monotonous manufactured quagmire of decadence and fame-whoring.

The crazy thing is Lady Gaga is extremely talented, but her talent is overshadowed by her gimmicks. I liken her to the Coors/Miller Lite of pop music. All gimmick and no substance. True "artists" draw you in with the flavor of their music, rather than relying on the mass media to force a cheap watered-down product down your throat. SRV didn't have a cold-activated can to let you know when he's ready to drink. Yes didn't have a vortex bottle. They relied on TALENT for fame!

I think Lady Gaga is so privy to how the system works, that she's transformed herself into an unstoppable pop-music phenom. She's taken the world by storm by beating the game, and not just playing it. My theory is she knew she would never get famous as Stefani Germanotta, so she crafted this super-obnoxious famewhore Lady Gaga who gives the public whatever they want... but she does it in such an obnoxious way, that it almost seems like she's punking pop music listeners. If that's the case, then she is less of an artist and more of a genius!

BTW Tom that first link you provided is awesome! Haha I just heard an announcer introduce SRV as "incandescent meteor breath." I've been getting into blues lately (I'm a huge fan of late 60's and 70's rock and progressive rock). Great music to relax and study to.


Staff member
I couldn't agree more, Doobage. I try to tell my daughter that she's being "punked" by all this Lady Gaga shit. I figure it's the same as when I was her age my dad comparing my Village People LP to one of his Willie Nelson records. I grew out of it and so will my Lada Gaga-loving daughter (and hopefully everyone else). One can only hope.

BTW, I saw the same Heineken commercial... :lol:


Stationary Traveler
It is so painful to watch light beer commercials. Bud Light's slogan is "drinkability." DRINKABILITY! Are you kidding me?! Anheuser-Busch (Which is now InBev no?) is basically acknowledging that their product is crap, but they're saying they have the least offensive tasting beer.

Guy: "Say fellow, how are you enjoying that Bud Light?"
Fellow: "Well it tastes aweful, but at least its drinkable."
Guy: "So is zebra urine!"

Don't get me started on the others. I can't believe it took a beer company that long to call out Coors/Miller/InBev for their cheap marketing ploys. But just like music that is all gimmick and no substance, the sheeple eat it up! It's unfortunate how inanity is greatly rewarded while real creativity and critical thought is about as popular as cancer.


Stationary Traveler
Wow let me try and get this thread back on topic:

The Mentally Deranged Clown Guild
Salutary Confinement
Penguin Anarchy
Gentleman GoGo
Derailing it further, I disagree with any claim that lady gaga is "extremely talented." Proof, please. Success is not indicative of quality.

Back on track: Fermentarium, Honkey Paradise, Fretless


The Exploding Breakfast Cereal
The Knee Replacement Orchestra
Pavarotti Sings Howlin' Wolf
Betty Ford and the Clinics


Stationary Traveler
charliedontsurf said:
Derailing it further, I disagree with any claim that lady gaga is "extremely talented." Proof, please. Success is not indicative of quality.

Click on the link I provided in my post. Before she was Lady Gaga, Stafani Germanotta was a (seemingly) humble singer/songwriter who is talented on the keys. check out the performance.

MajorDoobage said:
My theory is she knew she would never get famous as Stefani Germanotta


Well-Known Member
MajorDoobage said:
charliedontsurf said:
Derailing it further, I disagree with any claim that lady gaga is "extremely talented." Proof, please. Success is not indicative of quality.

Click on the link I provided in my post. Before she was Lady Gaga, Stafani Germanotta was a (seemingly) humble singer/songwriter who is talented on the keys. check out the performance.

MajorDoobage said:
My theory is she knew she would never get famous as Stefani Germanotta

Yup. I wouldn't say that she is "super talented", but she's definitely talented on the keyboards, in her vocals and in her song writing abilities along with her self-marketing abilities.

Regarding her outrageous costuming and stage antics, she is following in the footsteps of Liberace, Madonna, Elton John, David Bowie, Peter Gabriel (in the Genisis days), Alice Cooper, Ozzie, etc etc etc......The obvious danger in these endeavors is that they can overshadow and even minimize the underlying musical talents of these artists.


Stationary Traveler
lwien said:
The obvious danger in these endeavors is that this can overshadow and even minimize the underlying musical talents of these artists.


Here's some new ones:
  • Blunt Force Llamas[/*]
  • Engendered Species[/*]
  • Global Swarming[/*]

BTW has anyone googled their suggestions? I'm surprised by how many of my suggestions have already been thought of/used for other things. :( I guess there's nothing new under the sun


Active Member
Arabella and the toilet people,Willy Nilly and the mushroom heads........ok I'll get my coat!!


Well-Known Member
in high school my friends and i formed a hardcore band and we called ourselves The Black Dudes...

none of us were african american, but we had good times. sadly most of the local scene was straight edge and it never went anywhere. nobody got it.


The Skinny Captain
Ted & The Spacely Sprockets
Troy Shane and The Urge
The Hollowbodies
The Perils of Vladamir


cannabis aromatherapist
oooh fun thread...
between me and Mr. Herbgirl, we've come up with tons of crazy band names

a friend in high school once told me he wanted to name his punk band 'political ass milk'

What I can remember so far (not much)

Lord Fockenvapen and the ABV Orchestra


Well-Known Member
haha nice bud related band name, herbgirl! yea these are spur of the moment discoveries IMO, crazy band names that come to mind randomly.


cannabis aromatherapist
^have to give hubby credit for Lord Fockenvapen - not mine^
i have so many more that i just cant think of now!
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