Hi Kingscar, I'm really sorry for the issues in getting back to you. I have a feeling all of the emails from my vapepower domain are being blocked by a spam filter and not getting to you, because I did try to reply to your email. I didn't realize that you had reached out to me here on the forum until you PM'd me earlier today.
I do my best to keep FC monitored, but I've been spending a huge amount of time over the past week officially registering VapePower as a business with the Canadian government. It's been a huge headache but it will mean that I can offer more competitive shipping rates and operate in Canadian dollars. No excuse, but I want you to know I have not been trying to ignore you!
I'm going to send you a more detailed reply to your PM shortly, once I have had a chance to review the details surrounding your order. I am very sorry for not getting back to you until now!