Well-Known Member
The quote by N. A. Powell, M.D. is rather funny.
"...even the most stupid of patients..."

Sounds like it'd be perfect for me...
The quote by N. A. Powell, M.D. is rather funny.
The I-vapor hit the USA market too... http://www.gotvape.com/images/images-new/i-vapor-video-still.png
I've contacted earlier the manufacturers (Skyda in China) and they can send a unit from the factory .. for 80$ with shipment to EU LOL.. They do single orders.. so that shall give ya idea of the real price of the unit.
Anyway they said it is basicly like the No2 with a stainless steal chamber and airpath..
I tested this one at the Spannabis fair and it worked pretty well, though construction quality was awful!
Tilt the first modern spray - discover how modern spray has tilt
It is in 1970 that the first studies on the construction of a modern spray occur and early 1980s the first modern spray emerged. In 1981 more precisely, it is the first electric vaporizer lounge - Tilt the vaporizer is manufactured by an American company based in Woodstock.
Tilt the vaporizer was a spray that according to its creators allowed to spend about 80% of toxins, tar and other harmful substances usually released during combustion. The manufacturer of spray Tilt company even invested in a study conducted by American University to quantify and prove the numbers and advanced for this vaporizer results. The results proved them right and true hope was born, hope can definitely do without combustion.
Spray Tilt was a simple electric vaporizer with one hand on a heating element all under a glass dome gate to which is connected an inhalation tube.Despite the very successful results of the first electric vaporizer market modern aromatherapy - Tilt vaporizer, this spray has never been a marketing, mainly because of poor understanding of the phenomenon of vaporization by the authorities.The spray was mostly seen as an invention aimed at consumers of medical cannabis that was not accepted at the time, authorized and legalized as is the case in some countries in the United States today.At the time this poor understanding of the benefits of vaporizers and vaporization was originally the lack of interest and investment in the extensive research and real marketing.In fact as the law prohibited the use of medical cannabis, the use of spray was suddenly banned indirectly.
That's a BC Vaporizer (not a current version). I'm almost surprised they're still selling these. The BC vape was my first purchase and my worst one. It's purely conduction and requires a very fine grind (starting with very dry herb). You end up sucking a lot of air and not much herb unless you really load it up. I got more headache than high from using it, but it was enough of an introduction to vapor to prompt me to look for a better model. I ended up with the Vapolution, which interestingly enough is now even cheaper for FC members buying straight from Vapolution than it was when I bought one in '05. For $15 more than the basic BC, you can get a 2.0 Vapo with AIW bowl, for an all glass vapor path. One of those deals where the old saying applies- 'the more things change, the more they stay the same'.THIS is something else that popped up in my google image search for tilt vaporizer. It appears to be a smaller, more modern version of that old tilt vaporizer
I'd love to get one of these just to see how it works
im guessing you just heat it with a torch?Hey. I just registered, but I've read threads here before. This is a pretty awesome site. I like doing research on little known vaporizers, and here are a few that I've come across.
The Vaporade
http://members.cox.net/vaporade/Vaporade info.shtml
The Ape Vape:
I don't even know what it is..
The Pocket Vape
I think there is another vaporizer with the name...the site doesn't sell them yet
can anyone name any other vaporizers that aren't popular?
Some people, say, it would be not that good to use a heatgun for vaping...
THIS thread is where Vapewithfire's archaic method belongs. Welcome home.
I think it is the easiest, fastest and cheapest way to get clean and powerful vapour.
...i should start inhaling, before the gun is placed on or in the bowl, because the weed could fly away, when you place the gun on it, without inhaling.
Some people, say, it would be not that good to use a heatgun for vaping,
but i think it is nonsense, because the original vaporiser, that was discovered by eagle bill 1994 was made with a hot air gun.
I think it is the easiest, fastest and cheapest way to get clean and powerful vapour.
The vaporiser my friend bought 15 years ago in amsterdam, cost 230,- Euro, was made with it, and still works great.
I use it since 10 years, and still 100 % happy with it.
Why is a hot air gun and bong my favourite vape ?
1. It´s cheap
2. It is easy to get
3. It is easy to replace
4. It´s fast
5. It´s clean ( with right temperature )
6. Full amount of thc ( near of 100 % )
7. You don´t get any fake vape
8. You don´t have to order via internet.
9. You can adjust the temperature ( when you want, you can vape with 600° celsius )
10. It takes not much more than 20 seconds to heat up.
One reason, why a lot don´t like vapes, is vaping with 200 ° instead of 230 or 250° celsius. The volcano goes only up to 225 °, that could be
the reason, why some say, they don´t get really stoned by it.
I lent my heat gun to someone, and when he gave it back to me, he told me that he gets more high and stoned, when he turns up the temperature. I use 250 ° celsius, because some sedatives and euphorants need at least 230 °.
That´s why i recommend my Bong with heat gun. Cost about 70,- Euro.
All you need is a big bowl, where you can place the gun in or at least on. A big one, I use bowls with caliber 30 mm or more
In holland i learned, that i should start inhaling, before the gun is placed on or in the bowl, because the weed could fly away, when you place the gun on it, without inhaling. Just lay 1 pipescreen on the weed.
When the gun is on or in the bowl, you can see the vapour rising and exhale before you take a smooth, long puff and keep it a while in your lung.
Much more compfortable and easy, that way
I got a steinel hl 1910 E, cost 50,- Euro
Some even use it with a volcano bowl and balloonsysthem, but i don´t know if this is 100 % safe.
I will agree to disagree. ... I trust my instincts, real facts and what my eyes see.
Heat guns are NOT made for inhalation.
I mean no disrespect to anyone's opinion.
9. You can adjust the temperature ( when you want, you can vape with 600° celsius )
No, you cannot vape with 600 °, i just meant if you want tor trie the super fast 3 seconds vapsmoke hit, like with a flame, it would go.
How in the hell can you vape at 600 degrees celsius?
...you can switch the temperature as high as you want.
Salutations Vapewithfire,
Anyway, the HL 1910 E appears to have 3 fixed speed settings while i assume the HG 2310 LCD to have some form of linear control. Since both support a fan rate of 3.6 cfm i see this divergence merely as a matter of preference.
I'd rather smoke than use a heat gun.At least with smoking, I KNOW what I'm inhaling more so than a heat gun.
[/USER] .
Dude.. Few Users had e-mailed Steinel and they got a response that they should in no case inhale the airstream of any of their models..To say this is really heavy. With a good gun on right temperature
you get
clean vapour 100 % thc and 0 % condensate.
with smoking
dirty smoke 50 % thc and 100 % condensate.
Some people smoke untill they got smokers leg, lung or cancer,
just because someone told them it is not good to vape with a hot air gun or a vape.
Some people smoke, just because vapes are
hard to get
often not good, up to horrible
And a steinel gun would be a cheap and safe solution.
1000 times cleaner and les carcinogenic than smoking
My grandpa died, because of lung cancer
Someone i knew, died because of lung cancer at the age of 21.
When you say a heat gun is worse than smoking, it´s like
you say vaping is worse than smoking
Smoking kills and causes cancer. Vaping not.
( with a heat gun on right temperature, you got clean vapour as in the volcano. )
Dude.. Few Users had e-mailed Steinel and they got a response that they should in no case inhale the airstream of any of their models..Stop promoting this way... and the model you use hasn't the electronics separated from the airpath so you will be breathing metal ions + chipped ceramics.. i doubt water can handle all of both..
There are better alternatives for that budget.. proven to work.. and more user friendly and less bulky than a heatgun..
Now THAT was an obscure find.https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/vape-ace-hand-held-portable-vaporizer
lol from the maker of the solo pipe!