Abysmal Vapor
Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Edited.. Got my answers from the response .
Abysmal Vapor said:http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-1-VAPORIZ...824?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19c7d1e048
I am looking this for some time..May be it will be some future purchase.. In the worst case you get a grinder
charliedontsurf said:Abysmal Vapor said:http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-1-VAPORIZ...824?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19c7d1e048
I am looking this for some time..May be it will be some future purchase.. In the worst case you get a grinder
Someone please buy that! Ridiculous!
I have asked seller before and she said it can be used with a torchlighercharliedontsurf said:Abysmal Vapor said:http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-1-VAPORIZ...824?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19c7d1e048
I am looking this for some time..May be it will be some future purchase.. In the worst case you get a grinder
Someone please buy that! Ridiculous!
charliedontsurf said:I think it's nothing more than a pipe. The seller has a Solopipe (not the Airzer solo) listed as a vaporizer as well, so I think he might have a tenuous grasp of the definition. Looking at it, there's nothing that would allow the air to cool down enough - I don't think that maze-like airpath is designed to vaporize with a bowl at the end, I think the bowl is at the front and it's simply there to cool down the smoke, like alot of whacky metal combustion pipes do - that coffin pipe, the ufo pipe thing, the others pipes made by the people who make the Aliv8.
It took too long for someone to think of a simple grinder/pipe combo though, seems rather obvious and not necessarily a bad idea if it's cools acceptably and is made to a high standard.
As for the EZ pipe, this site has better info in their ad: http://www.goneblue.com/ezpiallinone.html
The "smokeless" claim is based on the cap starving a cherry for oxygen, reducing needless waste. It looks cheap. If you look at the close ups in one photo you can see the side of it by the lighter has a small hole through which flame could enter if you decided to use it with the cap on. It's not a vaporizer at all.
edit: that site also carries a similar but obviously more gaudy and ridiculous grinder-pipe http://www.goneblue.com/allinone3chh.html
Abysmal Vapor said:
Hmm i am getting quick reply from both seller and manufacturer.. I might paste here or send you some informative e-mails.. Also i thing this guy joined FC already..OhTheAgony said:Still no reply from the Amazon guy that's sells the Lithe, I guess I'm not gonna buy anything there then.
Super coolLithe_vapes said:hi,
I have seen a couple of question about Lithe regarding effectiveness, taste, or even mechanism.
Lithe vape has been design to be fast and effective we did that by taking into consideration proper materials, which include heat conductors (metal), and poor heat conductors (wood). The heat conducting parts ( metallic) is located at the tip, passing through the jet, and the vaping chamber. These parts get hot rapidly. A great portion of the metal is cover with the wood, which prevents the heat to be rapidly dissipated to the air (right thickness) and neither absorb too much, as the heat is required to vaporize. All combined makes a semi- isolated oven-like system plus hot air flow. This accomplishes quick vaping making good used of heat. We estimate 10-15 second to get it right, and 3-4 to extract juice safely without combustion. Also, the distribution of heat is even, as the air splits in 4 high speed streams at 90 degrees with respect to the herbs within the vaping chamber.it may seem complicated but in our website http://www.vapquick.com there is a cross-sectioned diagram for easy understanding.
Will provide more detail soon in visual form