

Well-Known Member
No shit. While I have been a Dem my whole life, hell I was even born into it, I ALWAYS had respect for the Republicans. Always. And in the government, the Dems and the Repubs always found a way to work through their differences for the betterment of our country. But something happened the Republicans along the way. They got hijacked by Extreme Right Winged Conservatives.

I remember a time when Conservatives and Liberals inhabited BOTH parties. At one time there was such a thing as a left wing Republican and a right winged Democrat. A conservative Democrat and a Liberal Republican. It existed..........at one time. The extremes where in such the minority, that they were thought by both parties to be on the fringe. No longer though. The fringe has become the mainstream. So sad............

I was born to two public school teaching Democrats, but I'm a libertarian. And your critique (which is quite popular these days) just doesn't make sense to me. Republicans like to call Democrats "socialists", and Democrats like to call Republicans "anarchists" these days. But the truth is that the two parties differ on what like 5% of the total bloated federal budget. I just can't see much of a difference really. Big government party A or big government party B.

You may think fondly back to an era of conservative Dems (mostly racists) and liberal Republicans, but was that really such a great time?
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Well-Known Member
Vicki, I sympathize with you, and I've had to deal with pre-existing condition clauses myself for a birth defect(though it was never life threatening). Do you really think this huge draconian bill was necessary in order for insurance companies to treat us like human beings, though? Don't be offended, but the pre-existing condition part of that bill is a built in hot button. Just like a politician will use gay marriage or abortion or appeal to a wide audience very easily, that's in there, so people like us with a pre-existing condition won't tend to look further into the consequences of passing that bill.

I'm sure Iwien's stats are curate. However, I have a hard time believing the issue is the healthcare system itself. The two leading causes of death in the country are heart disease and cancer. Heart disease was virtually unknown and cancer was extremely rare before 100 years ago. They came on the scene with the industrial revolution and new chemically processed foods.

These foods were things like crisco. Trans fats. This is just one example, but these processed foods aren't good for you, and we've been tricked into eating them. See, the only real competition for these foods are their real counterparts. Saturated fats(beef fat, lard, palm oil). Saturated fats get vilified, these companies sell more trans fats and they're happy. They started this off. Doctors and pharma make money of all the people made sick by their food, so they're not going to rock the boat. There are some doctors that talk about this stuff, though. I suggest you guys look into it if you're interested in why we have the some of the best healthcare, but are the some of the most unhealthy people in the world.

That's why this healthcare bill is bullshit. It does nothing to address what is making us sick. Not even anything to help people make choices to improve their health. Why don't we label GMOs? Why are we one of the only countries that get's more than half it's sugar from HFCS? Seriously...look into what we eat. That's what's killing us.
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I love to lose to you guys! You have it so right!
I knew you would love that one!
Sleep well!
This old liberal goes to bed early. Tonight I will sleep well knowing y'all gotta come up with another new game plan. You really thought it was all going to be thrown out, right?


Herbal Alchemist
That's why this healthcare bill is bullshit. It does nothing to address what is making us sick. Not even anything to help people make choices to improve their health. Why don't we label GMOs? Why are we one of the only countries that get's more than half it's sugar from HFCS? Seriously...look into what we eat. That's what's killing us.

Respectfully, no, that is NOT what is making me sick. My RA is attacking my body (joints and organs), and it has nothing to do with any of the above. RA is not a new disease either, it just needs to be reclassified to Rheumatoid Disease because it is not Arthritis. It is an auto immune disease.

Tea Party

Boro Connoisseur
I love to hear you righties with your logical put downs of all things community.

Do you care to defend those on the left calling Justice Thomas a porch monkey?

I would much rather see us tax and spend than borrow and spend as the GOP prefers.

Funny as obama is borrowing and spending more than anyone else.

Guess I am just a dumb old liberal socialist piece of shit, eh?
I love how you guys take what people say and turn it into a Limbaugh talking point. Good job! Keep up the good work telling us how we need to fear the liberal dems motives. Throw that fear out!

The nazi were so great were their socialism and all weren't they?

MMJ patients will always get screwed for now anyway. You think your buddies would treat them better? Gimme a break!

No but atleast the country as a whole would be far better off. If both parties are going to fuckl you, you might as well go with the one that suports improving the economy so you can atleats get a job to buy your pot instead of having to use a fucking EBT card.
Tea Party,


I love to lose to you guys! You have it so right!
I knew you would love that one!
Sleep well!
This old liberal goes to bed early. Tonight I will sleep well knowing y'all gotta come up with another new game plan. You really thought it was all going to be thrown out, right?

Go to bed and be ready for the constant attacks on the huge lies, Obama told to get elected and Obamacare. Get ready for the fallout to start as companies choose to pay the fine. Get ready to wake up to 16 - 21 states, opting out... and wondering how that National Healthcare is going to work out. Contrary to your belief. Yes, they can opt out. Get ready to wake up and read the opinions of actual legal scholars that read Robert's opinion and see it, for exactly what it is.

Get ready for a very energized Right showing up to vote in November and general apathy from democrats (except for the inconsequential 19% that identify as "liberal"), cause a massive landslide loss, than the close election most are predicting.

Get ready to wake and watch every morning, until the day after Obama loses in November, watching his support and popularity tank.

Don't worry, I'll remind you of all of this, when/as it happens. You want to attack my side, with f bombs and a general vile/rude attitude. Judging from your ability (lack of, actually) to put together a coherent argument, without cursing and insulting people... you are going to get owned. In fact, the mods might want to step in... before it happens. I'm going to show you the same level of lack of respect, you have shown others and myself.
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Tea Party

Boro Connoisseur
The fringe has become the mainstream. So sad............

You're right. The country has shifted so far and hard to the left that socialized healthcare is a great thing. Those who want freedom government to stay out of their lives are suddenly called extreme racists hard core right wingers.


Well-Known Member
Get ready for a very energized Right showing up to vote in November and general apathy from democrats (except for the inconsequential 19% that identify as "liberal"), cause a massive landslide loss, than the close election most are predicting.

Ohhh......pretty brave there making such a prediction. I'm gonna cut and paste your post, BDV and if you're wrong, I'm gonna post it up here in all it's glory so I can watch you wallow in your wrongness. But if you're right, I'll just pretend we never had this conversation. :brow: ;)


Good. Cut and paste it. Print it out. Joke with your friends about it.

I guarantee you, I'm going to be right.


Well-Known Member
Republicans like to call Democrats "socialists", and Democrats like to call Republicans "anarchists" these days.

Ya know, I watch a LOT of different TV news programs, from CNN to Fox, to NPR and I've heard TONS of times where Republicans have called Democrats.........socialists, but while I have heard Democrats calling Republicans various things, I don't think that I've ever heard of them calling Republicans..............anarchists. As a matter of fact, I've heard the word, "anarchists" being thrown at the "occupy movement" by right wing conservative Fox News reporters than anyplace else.


Well-Known Member
Good. Cut and paste it. Print it out. Joke with your friends about it.

I guarantee you, I'm going to be right.

God damnit, you gotta quite doing this, cause cutting and pasting is not one of my favorite pastimes.

You can't guarantee that you're gonna be right any more than I can............lol !!!

(Gotta go and tune in to Jon Stewart for a few chuckles. Should be a good show tonight. :) )
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Well-Known Member
Good. Cut and paste it. Print it out. Joke with your friends about it.

I guarantee you, I'm going to be right.

I'm voting for Gary Johnson but if he doesn't pull off the upset :lol: then I hope you're right BDV .... but I certainly wouldn't guarantee anything. It could really go either way. And so could the SCOTUS decision today ..... I don't think I'm making up the fact that liberals were pretty much ready for a defeat here. It coulda been 5-4 either way. I think it's important NOT to think about these kinds of things as mandates of any kinds .... if Romney does win this November it will be very close.


Well-Known Member
Respectfully, no, that is NOT what is making me sick. My RA is attacking my body (joints and organs), and it has nothing to do with any of the above. RA is not a new disease either, it just needs to be reclassified to Rheumatoid Disease because it is not Arthritis. It is an auto immune disease.

Only my first paragraph was directed towards you. The part you quoted was directed toward the forum in general. In that portion I was speaking about the two leading causes of death in this country. The two things that 75% of us reading here will die from. Two diseases that kill almost all of us, and many doctors will tell you are related to what you ingest.
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Tea Party

Boro Connoisseur
This is a tax, Obama claimed he wasn't going to raise taxes on the middle class. This new tax will hit the middle class the hardest.

No one who voted for McCain in 08 is going to vote for obama. Millions who voted for obama are not going to vote for him the second time around. He has alienated large swaths of his party.

- Opening up new military confrontations
- Keeping Gitmo open
- Alienating those who came to the country legally
- Not being at all transparent
- Corruption ( solyndra, Fast & furrious)
- "I will go line by line through the budget to cut waste" turned into " i'm going line by line through the budget to spend as much as i possibly can"
- Insulting Vetrans
- Pandering to micro minorities.

In 2008 Obama didn't have a record ( mostly because he voted "present" while in the senate) but now he does. His record will be nothing to run on. All obama has is racism and class warefare.

Not to mention there are 8 million new voters out there. They saw that obama has not done anything to help the youth. they see their brothers and sisters graduating college with 6 figures of debt ( whole nother debate), not able to find a job, and having to move back home. Many of the young people who were drunk of hope and change are find out how bad the obama hang over has been on their lives.

Mark my words, the left is goign to initiate massive voter fraud, the race card will be played on a daily basis. Romney will be president, and they left are going to be extremely hateful.


Vapor Sloth
Folks here is the rub. Now Vicki and I are in the same position, our diseases are very similar, so we understand each other a bit. I, however, respectfully disagree with her and here is why: The government now has the power to tax us for doing nothing. Whats next? A tax if you don't drive the right car or choose not to eat certain "approved" foods? How about a tax if you don't keep your thermostat where the government wants? How about when the government mandates a piss test when you get your services and if you are violating Federal law you could be punished? Or how about that MANDATORY vaccine they want you to have, that you have questions about the ingredients on, but you won't get your care until you get the shot . . .

These things are coming folks if we let this stand. Also, I see the stats as a reflection of lifestyle, stress especially, food definitely.


Well-Known Member
Ya know, I watch a LOT of different TV news programs, from CNN to Fox, to NPR and I've heard TONS of times where Republicans have called Democrats.........socialists, but while I have heard Democrats calling Republicans various things, I don't think that I've ever heard of them calling Republicans..............anarchists. As a matter of fact, I've heard the word, "anarchists" being thrown at the "occupy movement" by right wing conservative Fox News reporters than anyplace else.

I'll dig you up some examples if you really want .... I'm sure you're correct that the socialist label (from Pubs to Dems) is much more common. The point was the Dems like to paint Pubs as though they want absolutely no government -- anarchy -- when in reality the Republicans have been just as responsible as the Democrats for creating the Leviathan in D.C.

Edit: lwien, see this kind of thing: http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/07/14/anarchists-and-tasseled-loafers/ , http://thepoliticalcarnival.net/2011/07/23/andrew-sullivan-republicans-are-anarchists/


Well-Known Member
Mark my words, the left is goign to initiate massive voter fraud......

Typical Right Winged, paranoia, conspiracy, fear mongering bull shit..............In fact, it is soooo typical, that it is becoming quite comical. Massive voter fraud? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL !!!!



Lord of The Seven Kingdoms.
This is a tax, Obama claimed he wasn't going to raise taxes on the middle class. This new tax will hit the middle class the hardest.

No one who voted for McCain in 08 is going to vote for obama. Millions who voted for obama are not going to vote for him the second time around. He has alienated large swaths of his party.

- Opening up new military confrontations
- Keeping Gitmo open
- Alienating those who came to the country legally
- Not being at all transparent
- Corruption ( solyndra, Fast & furrious)
- "I will go line by line through the budget to cut waste" turned into " i'm going line by line through the budget to spend as much as i possibly can"
- Insulting Vetrans
- Pandering to micro minorities.

In 2008 Obama didn't have a record ( mostly because he voted "present" while in the senate) but now he does. His record will be nothing to run on. All obama has is racism and class warefare.

Not to mention there are 8 million new voters out there. They saw that obama has not done anything to help the youth. they see their brothers and sisters graduating college with 6 figures of debt ( whole nother debate), not able to find a job, and having to move back home. Many of the young people who were drunk of hope and change are find out how bad the obama hang over has been on their lives.

Mark my words, the left is goign to initiate massive voter fraud, the race card will be played on a daily basis. Romney will be president, and they left are going to be extremely hateful.

Can I simply ask you , without stiring any mess , how President Obama insulted veterans? Seeing as I am one , a disabled one at that , I would simply like a first source document stating how he has insulted me and my brothers and sisters in arms?

And I will simply restate what I said before : I am grateful to my higher power that I have the benefits that I have through the VA and pray that those who need health care services can find them.

Tea Party

Boro Connoisseur
The left say you need to show ID to buy a gun or go to the democratic national convention. Yet you don't need an ID to vote?

In WI there were instances of union workers being bussed in from IL to vite against walker.

How does the liberal saying go? " vote early, vote often" yeah...

There are so many videos of people registering to vote for people under a name that is not theirs and people who went out and voted for obama 20 times because they could.

Don't act like it doesn't happen.
Tea Party,

Tea Party

Boro Connoisseur
Can I simply ask you , without stiring any mess , how President Obama insulted veterans? Seeing as I am one , a disabled one at that , I would simply like a first source document stating how he has insulted me and my brothers and sisters in arms?

And I will simply restate what I said before : I am grateful to my higher power that I have the benefits that I have through the VA and pray that those who need health care services can find them.

First off I'd like to thank you for your service and sacrafice.

The foremost being that he does not put his hand over his heart when saying the pledge, say what you will it's a huge sign of disrespect. ( two of my friends who are vetrans and lean to the left have told me this is a huge deal for them personally).
Tea Party,


Lord of The Seven Kingdoms.
I can see how that would be seen as a disrespect. But I will polilety counter that even if you disagree with him , adding the tittle President in front of his name would not be too much to ask. I simply say this because in all the post I have seen disagreeing with the Court decision today , most people dont add the tittle to his name. I was taught that you respect the office , even if you dont agree with the man. But I can see where your concerns for taxation and implementation of this decision.

I know I'm new here and all and that freedom of expression is inherit in a place like this , but I think a simple reminder of the fact that at the end of the day , we are people who dont wanna see other suffer might be needed. The tone of this post is getting a bit too intense.
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