Well-Known Member
...but at my age I jump to the end....
At my age, I learned not to do that.

...but at my age I jump to the end....
...seduced by words/rhetoric...they can all sound so pretty (from their speach-writers) as they tell us ever so eloquently why they can't help us...why they have to take this approach...or that approach....you can listen if you want...but at my age I jump to the end....it's complete utter bullshit, neither of these parties WANT to legalize weed...and the sooner we understand that fact the sooner we will do something about that....
Don't forget big-pharma and the beer/wine/alcohol people. I always wonder how "straight" folks would take it if we voted to take their martinis away . . . again . . .
Well, there are plenty of other drugs the "war on drugs" people can go after sooo, I look at vested interests like the two I mentioned and the synthetic fiber people as well. They have a direct $$$ interest in keeping cannabis/hemp illegal.No more like unions, ie police unions.... Think about all the people who have jobs because it is illegal.
No more like unions, ie police unions.... Think about all the people who have jobs because it is illegal.
Btw, I think it's also prudent to mention that most of the medical marijuana dispensaries along with their growers would not want to see legalization either.
....to even the the woefully naive....it should be apparent that the death of union's mirror's exactly the death of the middle class/working poor....truly "alice in wonderland, tea party thinking"....cannot see the forest for the trees....believe me we are glad you don't live in california either....
My non union jobs have made me wayy more than a union job could have. Union workers are to stupid to see union bosses living high on the hog off the backs of others.
He was not "forced to join" he decided to join instead of looking for other employment.
....funny,....a "tea party" proponent calling someone else......stupid.....
.....over taxation of anyone remotely successful