Well-Known Member
Doubtful man, I believe the gimido is 110v AC powered, whereas the sub XLR 2.0 is 36v DC.@herbivore21 BTW i wanted to know if i could just get the Subliminator XLR 2.0 Dabmaster or Apollo and just use it with my gimido e-nail box?, the prices on that thing is ridiculous for the analog box anyways lol
The power supplies are simply not compatible, the results would be bad, ranging somewhere from burnt dab to burned down house lol
Thanks for asking before taking the leap! For dabbing purposes, you really are better off with a dedicated enail anyway. Flowers and oils in the same vape is not ideal for consuming either material IME. This being said, the sub is incredible for flowers and especially hashes (probably my favourite device to consume hashes that do not fully melt!). The speed with which it can be used to extract and cashed/reloaded is simply unparalleled.
If you are considering using the sub for this purpose, I suggest buying your heater of choice and atomizer, then finding your own 36vDC psu with VVPS or a variable resistor dimmer and getting an electrically minded friend to wire them up for you