Okay, here's my thing with Enails. They are an excellent idea and they work, but as of right now they are in a very rudimentary stage. I equate current Enail technology to the early days of vaporizers consisting of a hot plate and a glass globe. There are enail producers that try different things like fancy housings, different types of nails, the addition of ceramic discs, or the addition of what appears to be a fritted filter in the above video. These are all nice advances, but the basic technology remains the same. It's a heater transferring the heat to another surface that you fry your oil on.
Personally, I believe that using our higher tech vaporizers such as the Nano or Evo for convection vaping is a far superior method and truly are the next generation of Enails.
I do enjoy using a variety of methods to consume my oils though. The Evo, the LSV, the Gnome, my Healthstones, the Smart-Dabb, the DIY enail that my buddy made me, any number of vape pens, or a good old fashioned torch, nail, and dome. I don't discriminate.