I've been absent for awhile due to being busy with school. But I just ordered one of these:
for less than $206. (it's theoretically a flower vape, like the lotus- just with a full ceramic/glass airpath). Much cheaper than the returned $504 d-nail setup that I returned. Granted I could have gotten the same functionality for less with a 1.2 instead of a ninja nail, but that's beside the point. I'm looking forward to trying it out with oil- alas I won't be able to compare it to the lotus. I do remember hitting my best friend's old pukinbeagle/1.2 setup though, so that will be my point of reference. Expect videos of this on my grav labs diffusion pump and my friend's toros- should be fun.
Msrp on this bad boy is $275, but Galaxy is having a big holiday sale (25% off plus free shipping) tied into an instagram promotion- but if you don't have instagram... just hit them up is what they told me on the phone

. Hard to argue with their holiday pricing- their mini e-nail setup (not the nice encased one with a ceramic heating element) is going for the same ~$205. Only bummer is, not compatible with D-nail's next gen stuff. I'm curious how well their quartz-coated ceramic works- we shall see if I am curious enough to spring for an Odyssey (The flagship nail/heating element) after I try out the Vortex that's on it's way to me

Man, that Sapphire halo sounds sublime

. I was hoping one of the sapphire inserts would fit on the Odyssey nail head, but after sourcing measurements from both companies, it won't fit

(I dont think I would have been able to resist the odyssey if it had). Granted, the carb cap
might have enough clearance to use one screen-tech style, but I don't even want to think about that until I try the vortex pictured above
Cheers all! more to follow