Well-Known Member
Just caught up on the thread and am now sold on e-nails!
Thanks for your review and pictures! I'm pretty much set on getting your Gimido setup with the ceramic nail and cap, except I'd get the BestDabs one instead for the cooler case. Love the ceramic carb cap setup, reminds me a lot of the VaporBrothers VB2 e-nail/vape except at a fraction of the price! So I guess you just plop the dab on top of the hole and it gets sucked in?
As far as coils go for the ceramic nail, would there be much functional difference between a flat metal coil and a 20mm coil? @BoogerMan Besides the temp difference, do you find any functional difference between the two coils configurations like more pooling? I might just get all the parts for both anyway since they're cheap (and can be used as spares) but I wouldn't mind the option of saving a bit of cash too.
How much importance should be given to the connector type, namely normal 5-pin XLR vs 4-pin miniXLR? From what I found, 5-pin XLR is the most common which helps when replacing coils, 4-pin miniXLR seems like the new kid with a slimmer profile.
Yep you just plop the dab on the top of the hold and it melts down onto the nail then vaporizes. If you use a small dab and a small pointed tip dab tool (like the highly educated ball point tip) you can actually sneak the dab through the small hole and directly onto the nail without having the dab touch much of the hole's wall.
I haven't noticed any functional difference besides having to use the different temp. However, I always dab with the cap on so I can't really tell you if it pools up or not. It doesn't seem like it pools because I feel like I get the whole dab. I can say when the nail is cool and I take off the cap, there isn't one spot on the nail that is caked thicker than any other spot. But I do rotate the cap a little before each dab so that I am not dabbing on the same spot of the nail each time.
If the ceramic nail is the only nail you will be using I would say get the flat coil. It is more efficient and you will be able to use lower temps (which may make the coil last longer?). However, if you are going to want to use a variety of nails, I would say get the 16mm or 20mm coil because there seems to be more nails out there that work with the barrel style coil compared to the flat coil.
Not sure about the connector type. I don't recall having a choice between 4 pin and 5 pin. I received the 4 pin mini with my setup. I don't plan on having to replace the coil anytime soon so I am hoping by the time I do have to replace it, more 4 pin coils will be available.
I hope this helps!