New York Plans to Ban Sale of Big Sizes of Sugary Drinks


Chant Down Babylon
The sugar packets are hardly insignificant. That's a visual representation of the excess calories with ZERO nutritional value that is these drinks. The soda/sugar water is the low hanging fruit, yes, the whole situation needs to be altered, sure from the food companies offerings but WE have to start somewhere. Again, low hanging fruit first, I see no issue.
I share Alec Baldwins opinion and that was before reading his.

Life is stressful and busy, the choices we make, mostly because they are easy and right in front of us, aren't always the best. Why not make it easier??

HFCS and really want to try and differentiate that???? Corn isn't GMO or pesticide???? Seriously?

HAve any of you who disagree actually made changes in your life that reflect these ideas?
If you had you may have a different opinion.
Sugar/wheat/carbs are awful.

The nature of debate on internet forums is limiting. I am sure we could all come to a level headed agreement and assessment of facts and needs in person and able to talk aloud and full thought.....


Herbal Alchemist
Basically what Bloomberg is saying is this: "You are too stupid to think for yourselves, so we will do your thinking for you."

Yes, I have made changes, to make my health better, but I still think this is a crock of shit. :shrug:


Revolting Peasant
Education is the only way.
Fundamentally this is true, but public education is really expensive, particularly when you have groups like coca cola spending billions with the express specific purpose of 'educating' us to drink more through branding, advertisements and sponsorship- and those dollars they spend do work and do make us drink ever increasing quantities, or they wouldn't spend them. This isn't good for anyone, except them. Do I want that matched dollar for dollar with public money telling the truth? Thinking cynically, that's what you might expect to pay to influence the public the other way.

I think we should remember too that no one is restricting how much you can consume - that's still your choice- you can drink as much as you want still. No one is telling you that you can't satisfy your thirst for a sugary drink.

However I think stickstones is very right in that this is just a small part of a much bigger issue- and it'll take a much broader strategy to actually achieve the results desired.

Basically what Bloomberg is saying is this: "You are too stupid to think for yourselves, so we will do your thinking for you."
But that's actually kind of true at a certain level. Or obesity wouldn't be such an issue.

Though it's not as simple as being stupid. Like I said above, we've all been influenced by the money they've spent to get us drinking more.


Well-Known Member
Hey , choices are simple with the right information. Forcing people to accept change is wrong, even
un-American. Helmets, seatbelts, no texting while driving, where will it end ? We can't legislate
stupidity out of our society.
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Micro-Climate Mastermind
I think everyone should be free to make their choices with all substances. Much like weedemon pointed out i think if people want to shoot herion or smoke crack/meth and kill themselves more power to them. Thats population control and darwinism at its best as long as their substance abuse doesnt affect me or my family i could give a shit. Like many others are saying you educate people about dangers not force your pint of view on them.

What I think is really stupid is that if that if this governor really cared about people he would be WAY more worried about the diet soda sugars then the non diet. Not only does the diet sugar aspartame cause weight gain it's metabolized into methanol and two other sickening chemicals that cause auto immune disorders/symptoms, multiple sclerosis, vision impairment, brain rumors, seizures, diabetes, hypertension, headaches, etc the list goes on and on. By limiting sizes on regular sodas but not diet more people ar going to be consuming aspartame. I have heard of people diagnosed with MS and wheelchair bound then after giving up diet sodas within a week she could walk with a cane and the rest symptoms disappeared in months.
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Herbal Alchemist
But that's actually kind of true at a certain level. Or obesity wouldn't be such an issue.

Actually, it is not true. I am neither obese or stupid. Pushing this crap on people like me makes no sense.


Vapeosaurus Rex
Well with the use of sugar and other harmful substances in food that cause disease and other issues, it works as a form of population control if you think about it... Why ban these forms of harm if people are dumb enough to give into them knowing it will shorten their lifespan and their quality of life? It really should all be legal because we have the freedom to pick and choose what we want to put in our bodies. It would be a different story if the only fruit and veggies we could acquire would be GMO, then that is forced. We are already all slaves to the government, most of us just don't realize it..

Basically what Bloomberg is saying is this: "You are too stupid to think for yourselves, so we will do your thinking for you."

Yes, I have made changes, to make my health better, but I still think this is a crock of shit. :shrug:

This makes me think of the use of fluoride in the drinking water to help PREVENT our "cavities." What a big pile of crock shit! :puke:
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Combustion free since '09
Nanny Bloomberg at it again... Funny thing is this news broke while NYC was celebrating - wait for it.......

National Doughnut Day!! I shit you not!!!

I personally don't drink soda at all but I HATE the whole nanny legislation issues period. Hate the idea of government involvement in personal choices that are legal and not harming others. Playing nanny to the nation and I'm not a fan. Hate it!!

Even now when studies are showing obesity is more of a strain on health care than smoking we have smoking antis spinning that differently because eegads... if their budgets get zapped their high dollar nanny salaries go bye bye. Alphabet soups such as ALA, AHA, etc... Soon we'll have a whole new crop of them protecting us from sugar :( with giant ass salaries and budgets too :( Boo hiss on nanny gov.

Oh.. @JeffP - In NY there is a woman named Audrey Silk, former cop.. She founded a group for smoker's rights called CLASH. She now grows her own tobacco in NYC to protest the tobacco taxes. Look her up, very interesting character. She's eccentric and really stepped up to help fight for smoker's rights. While I no longer am a smoker I still remember I was one and would never become an anti smoking nazi lol. I love reading updates on Audrey as she is quite the firecracker!
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I'll check Audrey Silk's postings - she sounds like fun. I know that Bloomberg banned smoking outside in certain areas such as Times Square, I think, and Central Park, and that it's "civilian enforced" which is weird when you think about it. I feel the same way as you regarding smokers rights even though I'm an ex smoker now... thanks to you. (FC been good to me.) Citizens arrest - I can't even visualize that, it seems very obtuse as a concept.

Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
Thanks for the weight loss comments. My partner has diabetes and watching him inject insulin everyday made me realize that I was going down that path. I decided to change for the better. I completely changed the way I eat. I went from eating 2-3 cheeseburgers and large fries a sitting to only eating one chicken sandwich with no fries.

On a major note someone mentioned something really important. None of the sodas they are banning even have SUGAR in them!!!!! They all have high fructose corn syrup. I used to not care much about high fructose corn syrup. I decided one day just to try and cut out High Fructose Corn Syrup. I found that cutting out the corn syrup from my diet helped tremendously. Now if I ever do drink enjoy a soda I drink the Mexi-coke or Pepsi Throwback with REAL SUGAR!!!

If Mr Bloomberg really cared he would work to ban High Fructose Corn Syrup from food products. The only reason they use it is because it is cheaper then sugar. After 5 months of trying to avoid Corn Syrup I have noticed a change in my taste buds. I don't like products that have allot of Corn Syrup inside. They taste different now. Hard to explain really.

Good to know about Audrey Silk. I do not smoke tobacco but I would want to do the same thing if I was in her place. Where I live it would make no real impact so there is no point. They banned smoking in public areas here that are 20 feet in front of a air intake, door, or opening to a building. When it first passed I spent a few months lighting cigarettes and standing near doors letting them burn. I did not even smoke them. I just let them burn near the doors in protest. I stopped because I was a college student and it was an expensive protest.

I think if I was in New York I would try and get arrested for using a Mega Gulp cup at soda fountains. Even though I don't drink much soda anymore. I still feel like this is something poeple should not ignore. If you ignore this then they will just move on to the next thing. It is like negotiating with terrorists. Once you show them you will bend to their will, they will demand more.


Well-Known Member
It makes no sense. People who want to drink that much soda ( we call it "pop" here :lol: ), will just buy more of the smaller bottles or go in for more refills with their smaller cups. I call bullshit.

It makes perfect sense when you want to make money and New York State needs the extra money now. If people buy more soda it means more money because most likely they will buy sodas weighing a little more than that one soda will be which means more business with soda companies, which means more money for everyone at the top. Also people may buy a little more than they normally would which means extra sales tax money being generated. The same way they are using tobacco and quality of life laws to make money. Being that the laws vary so much you can always find someone to fine and make money off of even if they aren't doing anything wrong technically.

It's never about your well being when it involves government, it's about money in some way. I think people get it confused when they think the government does tings because they care about you. They do tings to either bring in more money or preserve the money they have but they use your emotions to not fight their decisions.
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Serial vapist
"The measure would not apply to diet sodas, fruit juices, dairy-based drinks like milkshakes, or alcoholic beverages; it would not extend to beverages sold in grocery or convenience stores."

lol so you can still get massive sugary drinks as long as they have dairy or alcohol in them? yeah, makes sense..

and yes, we all realize that sodas, sugars, HFCS and all that are toootally bad for you, this isnt news to anyone these days. like pretty much everyone else here i couldnt care less about the drinks themselves, as i pretty much only drink water or maybe wine or tea/ but the problem is, of course, the government controlling ppls lives, infringing on liberty just a little bit more. if this passes it makes you logically wonder whats next? health/lifestyle changes are something that need to be done voluntarily, not something the government tries to force with stupid, easily circumvented laws like this.


Micro-Climate Mastermind
"The measure would not apply to diet sodas, fruit juices, dairy-based drinks like milkshakes, or alcoholic beverages; it would not extend to beverages sold in grocery or convenience stores."

lol so you can still get massive sugary drinks as long as they have dairy or alcohol in them? yeah, makes sense..

and yes, we all realize that sodas, sugars, HFCS and all that are toootally bad for you, this isnt news to anyone these days. like pretty much everyone else here i couldnt care less about the drinks themselves, as i pretty much only drink water or maybe wine or tea/ but the problem is, of course, the government controlling ppls lives, infringing on liberty just a little bit more. if this passes it makes you logically wonder whats next? health/lifestyle changes are something that need to be done voluntarily, not something the government tries to force with stupid, easily circumvented laws like this.

Next uncle Sam will be checking your gps chip to make sure your making your tri weekly visits to the gym......


Well-Known Member
The Bacon Sundae is Coming to burger king


will this sell in NY?


This makes me laugh. If people want to be unhealthy they knows the risks and I think it is crazy to try and keep people from this. Free refills everywhere, and not prohibiting it from grocery stores and the like makes it seem to me that it is a waste of government time and money. There are so many bigger issues happening right now, and a bulk of their time is spent on looking at how much soda people drink... Um, give me one of those deli sandwiches filled with half a cow or pig but limit my soda... interesting
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The Bacon Sundae is Coming to burger king


will this sell in NY?

It's probably very tasty and it will probably be a big hit with a segment of the population everywhere but I'll probably never try it. Sometimes salt and sweet together can work well - for instance a dash of salt in a sweetened cup of coffee brings out the flavor; I learned this at a Colombian restaurant.
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