Shed7, Out of the two that you recommend, I would def go with Da Buddha, and like a previous poster said, there is negligible difference between the DBV and the SSV. Since you are around the $150 price point, two that you didn?t point out that I think you should look into are the PD and the VRIPtech VHW.
If you require some stealthiness, the PD is a great choice and very efficient as well. Actually, while the PD isn?t the workhorse in my vaporizer collection, it does bat clean up during the evenings and would recommend it as a complimentary vaporizer to whatever it is that you choose to get. But if I could own only one vaporizer, it would be?.the VRIPtech VHW.
If you want massive, clean vapor hits, the VHW would be right up your alley. VRIPtech is currently having a special for the product launch and for $150, you will get the VHW and a specialized lower intake that can slide into any water pipe (preferably glass) and you are ready to go. While the materials used in the DBV, PD, SSV are all safe for vaporizing, I still prefer an all glass set up whenever possible. Also, the VHW mimics the ritual of hitting a bong that we are all familiar with and something that I very much prefer over a bag, or sucking through a hose (I own bad and whip based vaporizers as well).
Whatever you decide, DBV, PD, or VHW, you can?t go wrong sticking with these. Check out the other threads, I know the PD thread has convinced many a vaporist to purchase one. The VHW thread will give you a good understanding of how the VHW works, and there are plenty of SSV/DBV threads to read as well. Good luck!