What up; I'm Kads. Nice to meet you
Just found this website by looking at the video referral links (Dec 14, 2009 - First referral from -
www.fuckcombustion.com) for the video I just did regarding the EZ Change Whip. Wanted to stop by and say hello and thank you for bringing up concerns regarding the ceramic screens. I am fully aware of this and want to make a new video about it.
Ceramic screen-no more metal. "This is huge", he says. Bullshit, I say. It's only huge because they want to sell many ceramic screens. I don't like the big holes either. A lot of fine ground herb could get through those holes.
Thank you for calling my opinion bullshit.
Having no metal in the heat
is a huge deal to me; I consider myself a connesuir and I like the final taste of the entire vaporizing process to taste as close to perfection as I can get it. Having metal screens taints the taste, in my opinion, and if a ceramic screen can help this; I am all for it. Also, I really enjoy having a screen I can clean. These are reasons that I like the screen, but these reasons, in no way, should warrant your suggestions for the screen invalid. I want to address these concerns with a new video and I very much enjoy the findings and experimentation done by geist. Thank you for your findings. The video will address these concerns and I would like to see your finding with a second screen. I will document my own findings and report them as well.
Also; let me say this:
I do not work for Vapor Brothers. Selling ceramic screens is not my priority in life; I am purely a fan that admits that working for a company like that would be a dream come true, but as of right now I just have a ton of experience with the VB and try and lend a helping hand to those who are curious about my favorite vaporizer. With that being said, feel free to send questions or concerns regarding the screens: VB has taken notice of my videos before and as of right now I'm sure they want to know what people like and don't like about the new whips. Who knows; they might change the micron size of the screens if they need to. All I know is that there are 45 little holes which sweet vapor flows...
I have a Space Case Grinder and I find that I don't experience a whole lot of small herb particles coming through my ceramic screen. I only experience herb falling through it when I vape it down to the point it turns brown and loses it's water weight. At this point giving it a stir can break the herb up smaller and more can come through. This can be solved by either: adding a second ceramic screen at the end of the silicone grip or by vaping a few rounds until you build up a little vape honey on the screen.
Regarding my vape style: I rarely ever vape with just the whip alone. I use either a mini KAOS bong and a custom blown steamroller that hooks up to the whip. With these two methods my vape experience is never compromised by herb coming through the whip into my face. The new whip system fits my style of vaping perfectly and I couldn't be happier with it; however, I want to do what I can to help make your VB experience as nice as mine so feel free to drop me a line.