Its a great start!
Some interesting points in the study:
"Grams per day dropped marginally from pre- (M= 1.75, SD = 0.90) to post- (M= 1.46, SD = 0.71) intervention, t(18) = 1.34, p = 0.10."
"These preliminary results suggest that the vaporizer might improve pulmonary function in cannabis users who experience respiratory symptoms. Following 1 month of vaporizer use, the sample showed changes comparable to those in long-term tobacco cessation (Anthonisen et al., 2002)."
"These data suggest a randomized controlled trial is warranted. One approach may be random assignment to vaporizer use vs. smoked cannabis with a pre-, middle-, and post-assessment period
over 612 months."
"Participants were then debriefed, informed they could keep the vaporizer and paid US $40."
-admit it - you know you were wondering.