New to vaping


New Member
New here and looking to learn everything and anything about vaping vs smoking. Long time joint user and now puffing on Firewood 9 and e nano XL. Any recommendations for ball vapes that don’t have exposed coils? I’m a mom who partakes away from child and family in my own space(small empty closet) in the house but I also scared of burning down my house.

Grass Yes

Staff member
Any recommendations for ball vapes that don’t have exposed coils?
In my opinion a true "ball vape" has a heat danger as part of it. Many people use coil guards. This can be effective for wired and wireless vapes. I still consider that an exposed coil. The old Cannabis Hardware B1/B2 puts the coil inside a housing, but it is detrimental to the performance and it doesn't protect you from burns.

There are other vapes that use pearls as a heat source. Torch-driven vapes like the Thermal Accumulator or tempests don't have a coil but do get very hot.

Another log vape, similar in ways to your e-nano, but using ceramic balls for heat is the CouchLog. One of my personal favorite vapes. It has a wood shell that prevents accidental burns from the heater.

I'm also a parent, who does not vape around children. I find a ball vape is fine because I put it away when not in use. The exposed coil does not bother me any more than using any other hot items, or my stovetop.

Happy to recommend specific ball vapes and comparison threads, but it sounds like that may not be the style of vape for you.


New Member
This is helpful, thank you! I have a shelf in my space I can possibly place a ball vape on and it'll be away from reach. No one other than me has access to this room but we all know the unexplainable sometimes happens. I'm definitely looking for a ball vape, is there ball vapes that work better with concentrates than others? Sometimes I like to do sandwich with my flower but not always - I primarily use flower. I heard about the couchlog but figured since I already hav ethe log will that be overkill. :)
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Grass Yes

Staff member
I'm definitely looking for a ball vape, is there ball vapes that work better with concentrates than others? Sometimes I like to do sandwich with my flower but not always - I primarily use flower.
I'm not a fan of concentrates in convection devices myself, but it is very popular. Many folks especially like the sandwich method or simply a bit on top of a bed of flower. I feel like the best temperature for flower and concentrates are too different. So I feel like it wastes both and it's generally unsatisfying for me. But I think nearly any ball vape that works well, will handle that for you.

The old CH B2 has a concentrate dish on top for double-deckers. I believe the new Flower Kettle does too.

I happen to like wireless ball vapes the best now. They are just as powerful, when designed correctly. And it just feels more natural than the wired experience to me. I have a lot of both style, but the wired ones don't really see much use now.

Favorite wireless vapes are the Omega, Epitome, and the wireless TKO, in that order.

There is a good comparison threads found here:

Ignore the poll at the top as it is quite outdated.


Well-Known Member
I heard more than once from users of the forum that owning a Solo 3 or Venty greatly reduces the appeal of a desktop heavy hitter, like a ball vape.
I don't like much ball and coil vapes anymore for the same reason as the OP but I have quite a few heavy hitters, and I can tell that after getting a Venty I don't use those vapes anymore as the Venty hits as hard as those units without the need for a dedicated space or burn hazard. When I feel like using my Anvil/Verdamper/Volcano/Supreme/VapBong again, I do a Venty bowl starting from max temp instead. This is done in under one minute, no need for glass, just 20 seconds to heat it up and I get the same monster hits.
I like hard hitting vapes, I have a mild VAS for the Solo 3 (just to see if it's any better than the Venty) but my VAS for desktops is lower than ever.
Vestratto Tornado seems also a good new hard hitter: it has no balls, it needs butane or an induction heater and gets hot, but at least it's not as bulky as a desktop vape.
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