I heard more than once from users of the forum that owning a Solo 3 or Venty greatly reduces the appeal of a desktop heavy hitter, like a ball vape.
I don't like much ball and coil vapes anymore for the same reason as the OP but I have quite a few heavy hitters, and I can tell that after getting a Venty I don't use those vapes anymore as the Venty hits as hard as those units without the need for a dedicated space or burn hazard. When I feel like using my Anvil/Verdamper/Volcano/Supreme/VapBong again, I do a Venty bowl starting from max temp instead. This is done in under one minute, no need for glass, just 20 seconds to heat it up and I get the same monster hits.
I like hard hitting vapes, I have a mild VAS for the Solo 3 (just to see if it's any better than the Venty) but my VAS for desktops is lower than ever.
Vestratto Tornado seems also a good new hard hitter: it has no balls, it needs butane or an induction heater and gets hot, but at least it's not as bulky as a desktop vape.