New to this


Hi guys,

hope it’s okay to post here but I’m new to this forum, and vapurizing.
currently I smoke generally about a 50/50 split of green and tobacco. I am happy smoking that, although my circumstances are changing.

I am going to me moving from a house with a garden to a flat without a garden, so I will be unable to smoke what I usually do anymore.
I am now thinking of vapourizing, but I’m a little unsure.

ive purchased a G Pen Elite from amazon prior to my move so I can hopefully get used to vaping before I move.

I have a few questions though.

is it much different smoking a mixed joint, than smoking a vapourizor?

ive never used a bong before or packed bowls, what should I expect?

the primary reason I’m moving is due to smell.
if I was to use the gpen and a spoof, how much odor would that give off indoors?

i currently smoke about 3.5g in about 6 days, usually anywhere from 3 to 4 j‘s a day.
when I start vaping will I use more flower?

i Usually smoke 3 or 4 times a day, each about 2 or 3 hours apart.
will I want to smoke more with a vapourizor?


Well-Known Member
You missed a step; coming here *before* ordering a G-Pen... :cry: :shrug:

I mean good luck with it, but it’s not a popular or very trusted option around will probably work to some degree, but I’d clean it and do a burn-off or 5 first (run it empty to get rid of residues, etc.) and if you taste anything very off like a plastic taste in your vapor I’d stop using it.

I guess there are people out there who are happy with it so I don’t want to tell you that you won’t be, but know that you got in below what I would consider the ground floor and you can definitely get better results with a different device.

Also, if you choose to mix tobacco into what you’re using, you should be aware that people have very different experiences with different tobacco. Homegrown low nicotine stuff seems to be best, followed by pipe tobacco I believe? Stuff from a cigarette for example will probably not be pleasant to vaporize. I’ve never used nicotine, but that’s what I’ve read.

If it’s not too late, personally I’d return the G-Pen and try something else. If you go forward with it though, the best thing to do is stop smoking for at least a couple of days (longer would be even better) and only use the vaporizer when you come back.

It may take a little getting used to, and you may use more at first, but if you want to cut down the amount you use you should be able to. Vaporizers are a lot more efficient because they’re not burning up the cannabinoids we’re trying to inhale, so a lot of people can cut their usage in half or more...but then other people double it just for fun. :lol:

You will notice a difference in effects, especially if you cut out the tobacco (I would cut it out), but most people end up being happy with the effects which they usually describe as “cleaner” and “clearer”.

Oh, also the effects might creep up on you, so don’t keep hitting it constantly for 15 minutes the first time or you won’t know where a hit or two leaves you after that much time and you may accidentally overdo it. ;)


Well-Known Member
You don't want to mix tobacco with your weed to vape.

I stopped combustion about 5 months ago, so I still have a clear memory of the effects.

1st the effect is different. Not only because of the lack of nicotine. Vaping, you don't inhale CO. CO is the thing which makes your head turning and gives that kind of sick effect you have when smoking. You'll have a cleaner effect. See how you are after you smoked a few joints, but something like half an hour after. You're just high but you feel better than just after smoking (I've smoked 25 years, always made that to me). It's when you feel only cannabinoids and not the rest (I may be wrong, but that is my analysis).

Second, it takes a bit more time to get high, it's a bit less immediate (although it depends, sometimes I can get high pretty fast). Remember 1st time I vaped, feeling a bit disappointed, then my wife coming in the room and asking me about it, me getting up, waow, it's turning, and just realizing I was absolutely fried... Then I just laughed without being able to stop :rofl:

Another thing : taste is way better, especially for the first couple of puffs, you will really be able to taste your weed. And to finish, you can definitely vape inside without a problem. It will smell a bit, but only for a short time, and nothing like smoking. I'd say it might smell less than when I'm opening my jar. Not more for sure.
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Well-Known Member
Your body will thank you for making the change, as much from ditching tobacco as anything.
Some people have real trouble making the transition to vaping when they smoke tobacco mix because they don't get any nicotine fix, so never feel satisfied with the session. If you are aware of that and focus on what the high has, not what it is lacking, that will help. That is why a complete abstinence break makes it much easier to switch, get nicotine out of the system first.
The smell from a vape is nowhere near as smelly, or recognizable as smoke. But there is an odour just more like fresh weed than smoke and it doesn't persist in the air or on clothes as much. Keep windows shut for an hour after and no probs.
Google smoke buddy, personal charcoal filter- catches everything. You could vape in the toilet cubicle next to the boss and he'd never know.
I agree with @Vaporware you would be better off with a different device. The Dynavap vapcap is a familiar experience, like hitting a steel joint. It holds a small amount so you can keep you usage low. Loading is as easy as pushing the stem into your ground material, and unloading is just a blow out or debowl with the cap. Torch can be slightly noisy, but induction heaters are silent. Previous years models are economical.
A lot of people try vaping and don't like it because they start on a poor device that gives a poor experience. Good luck and stick with it...coupla weeks...easy...


Thank you all for your responses, I appreciate the g pen might not be the best to start with but its here, and I’m fairly happy with it. Less smell check, easy to use check.
but as some of you have previously said, I don’t know if I’m doing this right, but I don’t really feel high.
so, I’m packing the bowl about half full, fairly loose. Smoke it at 390F.
sure I feel a little high, but it’s very little, unlike when I smoked The effects where totally different, and I felt high, like I could get baked out my mind, but with this, regardless of how much I put in, I never really feel high. the way I describe it, i feel it around the edges but not fully.
I am happy with this, but I feel like I’m wasting my money and good bud.
don’t know if that’s enough info or if I should be more descriptive, I’m still planning on trying for at least a week, exclusively, but the temptations of just skinning up is building.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Thank you all for your responses, I appreciate the g pen might not be the best to start with but its here, and I’m fairly happy with it. Less smell check, easy to use check.
but as some of you have previously said, I don’t know if I’m doing this right, but I don’t really feel high.
so, I’m packing the bowl about half full, fairly loose. Smoke it at 390F.
sure I feel a little high, but it’s very little, unlike when I smoked The effects where totally different, and I felt high, like I could get baked out my mind, but with this, regardless of how much I put in, I never really feel high. the way I describe it, i feel it around the edges but not fully.
I am happy with this, but I feel like I’m wasting my money and good bud.
don’t know if that’s enough info or if I should be more descriptive, I’m still planning on trying for at least a week, exclusively, but the temptations of just skinning up is building.

Yeah you need to load more, load a full chamber, nearly to the top, and tamp it down gently so everything is like a tight cylinder puck... Also make sure you are grinding more fine, ideally a medium fine consistent grind, nothing coarse or chunky, will get the best results with session conduction vapes like this... sorry it is also just a weak ass vape, which was why people were saying to avoid it, among other things... Good luck figuring things out though! Remember it's easier if you completely stop smoking, use the one device and rely on it, to get to know it and such since it is new.


Yeah you need to load more, load a full chamber, nearly to the top, and tamp it down gently so everything is like a tight cylinder puck... Also make sure you are grinding more fine, ideally a medium fine consistent grind, nothing coarse or chunky, will get the best results with session conduction vapes like this... sorry it is also just a weak ass vape, which was why people were saying to avoid it, among other things... Good luck figuring things out though! Remember it's easier if you completely stop smoking, use the one device and rely on it, to get to know it and such since it is new.
I’m sorry, but that is not in my wheelhouse, I refuse to almost triple my herb usage to justify a decent high, I appreciate that the vape may not be for me, but I have Never seen that on reviews for this pen... many people saying they often pack it quarter full and get “baked” I appreciate everyone is different but yeah, I’m not using shed loads More herb than I usually would to get high 😂


Well-Known Member
I’m sorry, but that is not in my wheelhouse, I refuse to almost triple my herb usage to justify a decent high, I appreciate that the vape may not be for me, but I have Never seen that on reviews for this pen... many people saying they often pack it quarter full and get “baked” I appreciate everyone is different but yeah, I’m not using shed loads More herb than I usually would to get high 😂

It's not that the vape may not be for you...unfortunately that vape has little chance of being the right one for most people. If you choose an ineffective tool, then its not totally abnormal to see inefficient results. Also, its going to take time to adjust to the different effect. The lack of CO (and nicotine) inhalation will take some time to get used to as that was a definitely a part of your "high" previously.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Also, do I wish to be vapourizing kief, or would you suggest saving for a j

You can do kief in it, but you will want to sandwich it between regular ground herb on the top and bottom... I mean in my mind, a joint is wasting weed, but I'm a snob!

I’m sorry, but that is not in my wheelhouse, I refuse to almost triple my herb usage to justify a decent high, I appreciate that the vape may not be for me, but I have Never seen that on reviews for this pen... many people saying they often pack it quarter full and get “baked” I appreciate everyone is different but yeah, I’m not using shed loads More herb than I usually would to get high 😂

I wouldn't think you would need to load more than a joint? I've never used this vape, just similar ones, you can try loading less, but still pack it down tight, and make sure your grind is consistent fine... I don't know anything about what other people are saying or doing with this vape or anything about their own needs...

However there are multiple factors here, first off the combustion high is different than the vaping high, so you are possibly chasing the effects of carcinogens... Also you say you only used temp 390? I don't know what other settings it offers, that is a middling temp setting btw, so especially if you loaded less fall and loose, you really wouldn't get much out of it... if you load it more properly like I described, you will get more out of the lower temp settings, but if you want to try loading it again the way you did, definitely turn the temp up...

Also the way you draw on it is different, puffing sipping in, inhaling deep, I don't know, could just be different than what you are used to and take some time to acclimate?

But yeah if you have the attitude of, buying a cheap vape, use it once unsuccessfully, told to load more as one of the tips, and that feels like wasting herb... Well I just don't think you're setting yourself up for success here, you're probably just going to go back to smoking, sooner than later it seems... Like others, really I would suggest a different vape entirely, but it may require an attitude adjustment as well?? It's not for everyone!


It's not that the vape may not be for you...unfortunately that vape has little chance of being the right one for most people. If you choose an ineffective tool, then its not totally abnormal to see inefficient results. Also, its going to take time to adjust to the different effect. The lack of CO (and nicotine) inhalation will take some time to get used to as that was a definitely a part of your "high" previously.
I appreciate that, and I am only trying to get assistance with the tool I have, currently I am not in a position to be able to afford a different device, as others are suggesting.

I appreciate that the lack of nicotine as well will be different, I also vape nicotine, so have adjusted my usage with that accordingly a well.
I do agree though, that I may be missing parts of my high.

the main reason why I’ve been enjoying it so far, and not having the attitude others so kindly tried to assume my mindset of “attitude of, buying a cheap vape, use it once unsuccessfully, told to load more as one of the tips, and that feels like wasting herb...” 😂
i am still trying it, and not going to give up after one go, is I really don’t miss that pitted sickly feeling you get after a joint.


You can do kief in it, but you will want to sandwich it between regular ground herb on the top and bottom... I mean in my mind, a joint is wasting weed, but I'm a snob!

I wouldn't think you would need to load more than a joint? I've never used this vape, just similar ones, you can try loading less, but still pack it down tight, and make sure your grind is consistent fine... I don't know anything about what other people are saying or doing with this vape or anything about their own needs...

However there are multiple factors here, first off the combustion high is different than the vaping high, so you are possibly chasing the effects of carcinogens... Also you say you only used temp 390? I don't know what other settings it offers, that is a middling temp setting btw, so especially if you loaded less fall and loose, you really wouldn't get much out of it... if you load it more properly like I described, you will get more out of the lower temp settings, but if you want to try loading it again the way you did, definitely turn the temp up...

Also the way you draw on it is different, puffing sipping in, inhaling deep, I don't know, could just be different than what you are used to and take some time to acclimate?

But yeah if you have the attitude of, buying a cheap vape, use it once unsuccessfully, told to load more as one of the tips, and that feels like wasting herb... Well I just don't think you're setting yourself up for success here, you're probably just going to go back to smoking, sooner than later it seems... Like others, really I would suggest a different vape entirely, but it may require an attitude adjustment as well?? It's not for everyone!
Apologies if my “attitude” seems to be off, I have no idea what you are talking about...

what I do wish to focus on though is thanking you for your advice, about the Kief and the packing. i have since tried packing my usual amoumy more, it vaped much better and with a decent effect, even without me sitting here analysing the high, so thank you for the advice, I appreciate it. I will attempt higher temps later on, the device only goes to 428F so I do have an upper limit. The Kief, I look forward to trying tomorrow nigjt, so thank you 😊


Well-Known Member
How are you drawing through it ? Tbh, I don't know the G-Pen, but if it's a classic conduction device like my ex-solo2, you have to pull long and slow puffs to make it effective. If you're sucking air through it like a joint, you actually cool the oven, which is pretty counter-intuitive coming from smoke.


How are you drawing through it ? Tbh, I don't know the G-Pen, but if it's a classic conduction device like my ex-solo2, you have to pull long and slow puffs to make it effective. If you're sucking air through it like a joint, you actually cool the oven, which is pretty counter-intuitive coming from smoke.
I do long deep draws from my lungs, I’m vape Juul mostly for nicotine, so I do long and deep draws to get the most amount of clouds with them, I use a similar draw technique for this vape, I’m not a mouth to lung smoker.


Well-Known Member
Then, it could be the device, or you missing combustion, or, probably, both. I imagine you tried with the same green as usual. At the beginning, if it's just like the Solo2, you kind of get high without a hit. You may miss the it. You should at least try to fully fill the bowl once. The Solo2's oven is 0.2g. It seemed a huge amount of weed, more than I usually put in a joint, but the high was long. After I came to Dynavap's vapes and the hit was back again :spliff:


Yeah, so the gpen has a .75g oven. So it’s absolutely massive aha. Hence why I don’t want to fill it, as I usually put about .2-.3 in it. But packing it helped a lot!
I agree, it is Sorta a high without the hit.

i won’t lie, I’m super interested in the Dynava, but why is it so expensive?!

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Apologies if my “attitude” seems to be off, I have no idea what you are talking about...

No need to apologize at all, but I must apologize, I did not mean to chide you or anything, just wanted to make sure you keep an open mind! ;)

what I do wish to focus on though is thanking you for your advice, about the Kief and the packing. i have since tried packing my usual amoumy more, it vaped much better and with a decent effect, even without me sitting here analysing the high, so thank you for the advice, I appreciate it. I will attempt higher temps later on, the device only goes to 428F so I do have an upper limit. The Kief, I look forward to trying tomorrow nigjt, so thank you 😊

I appreciate the kind words, yeah that is a fine max temp setting, and honestly I like to stay below 400 a lot myself... I am glad that you had better results with the same amount loaded but packed down!

Yeah, so the gpen has a .75g oven. So it’s absolutely massive aha. Hence why I don’t want to fill it, as I usually put about .2-.3 in it. But packing it helped a lot!
I agree, it is Sorta a high without the hit.

Damn yeah that is a large oven! I would not want to load that full either myself, sometimes you need a spacer in a vape like this to get efficient performance loading less, but yeah packing down could be enough to help too!

i won’t lie, I’m super interested in the Dynava, but why is it so expensive?!

Yeah I'm not such a fan of them myself, but it could be a good way to get that super stony high if that is what you're after, they can be found cheap, like this dude is selling one used for only like $50:
Shit Snacks,
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Damn yeah that is a large oven! I would not want to load that full either myself, sometimes you need a spacer in a vape like this to get efficient performance loading less, but yeah packing down could be enough to help too!

Yeah I'm not such a fan of them myself, but it could be a good way to get that super stony high if that is what you're after, they can be found cheap, like this dude is selling one used for only like $50:
I’m glad we can agree, it’s too big to fill normally haha, a lot of people have said online to use it over 2 sessions, but I don’t like the idea of half cooking hud, leaving it for 3 hours then going back, just sounds yuk to me.
forgive my potential silly question, but is oven spacer A thing? im thinking like a bead of tempered glass could go in there or something? Idk

unfortunatley I’m in the UK, although I have seen a cheap 2020 m on eBay I’m eyeing up.
I like the idea of using my G Pen, in an evening/ daytime on days off, then the dynavap for a goodnight smoke, is it a similar smell to the electronic vapes?
appreciate you may not know, so If anyone else knows I’m happy to ask somewhere more appropriate if you think I should?


Well-Known Member
Depending on the options, it can be more or less expensive. You don't even have to buy a VapCapM. Buying a stainless steel tip, a cap and a glass stem without carb hole must be around 50-60 bucks. A Titanium tip is more expensive, but even if I really prefer it, you can do without first and invest later if you like your vape.

Then add around 30 quids to buy a good single torch and the premium gas to preserve it. You want a good torch not to get frustrated.

For me, it was the closest to a joint. Fire, something you hold between two fingers, and the way you draw on it, yeah, it was good. And it hits, even with 0.05g.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I’m glad we can agree, it’s too big to fill normally haha, a lot of people have said online to use it over 2 sessions, but I don’t like the idea of half cooking hud, leaving it for 3 hours then going back, just sounds yuk to me.

Haha yeah I totally agree with you, I have the same feelings about this!

unfortunatley I’m in the UK, although I have seen a cheap 2020 m on eBay I’m eyeing up.
I like the idea of using my G Pen, in an evening/ daytime on days off, then the dynavap for a goodnight smoke, is it a similar smell to the electronic vapes?
appreciate you may not know, so If anyone else knows I’m happy to ask somewhere more appropriate if you think I should?

Oh yeah that does complicate things further, but that's good you found one there too!

Yeah so in regards to smell, vapcap has less smell, because it is heating on demand instead of session style (like how your g pen, you turn it on and it starts vaping for you, it would cook the load even if you didn't inhale) but with dyna you get to choose when you heat it up, though it will cook a little if you heat it up and do not draw from it as well (conduction style, though vap cap has a little more hybrid convection too)
Shit Snacks,


Depending on the options, it can be more or less expensive. You don't even have to buy VapCapM. Buying a stainless steel tip, a cap and a glass stem without carb hole must be around 50-60 bucks. A Titanium tip is more expensive, but even if I really prefer it, you can do without first and invest later if you like your vape.

Then add around 30 quids to buy a good single torch and the premium gas to preserve it. You want a good torch not to get frustrated.

For me, it was the closest to a joint. Fire, something you hold between two fingers, and the way you draw on it, yeah, it was good. And it hits, even with 0.05g.
I’m leaning more towards an efficient heavy hit at the end of the night, how long does the high last out of interest? I feel my max high time is around 4 hours before I’m jonesing for more.


Cognitive Dissonance D 5
i won’t lie, I’m super interested in the Dynava, but why is it so expensive?!
Because it's a life time investment, as it is almost indestructible. Also it will save you untold amounts of $$ over that period on flower.
A member on this forum a lot wiser than me once said: "Buy a Dynavap, your going to end up buying one someday anyways." I'm sure most people on this forum would agree with that statement. Good luck with your transition.


Well-Known Member
Hard to say, it depends. Some nights a 0.1g session is enough (it's a full Tip). Some others I have to reload it once or twice before going to bed. And sooner in the evening, or on Sunday afternoon, I would use the half-dose to get that soft hit. Ripping a Tip can be short, way quicker than smoking a joint.

My feeling is I'm high as long as when I smoked joints, but we're all different so YMMV. Different kind of high, but today I feel I actually get higher vaping.

Edit : I'm actually totally fried, ripped a small bowl from the TM around an hour ago and it took me half an hour to write these few lines. Vaping is f***in' efficient, believe me :spliff:
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More accurately, it seems that with the vape, it’s about 1.5 hours before I’m actively trying to pick it up and vape again, obviously I understand it’s probably due to partly inexperience with the product and not being used to it, but I would like to extend it further. Although I’m guessing the dynavap is something like a 30 min to an hour high.


Because it's a life time investment, as it is almost indestructible. Also it will save you untold amounts of $$ over that period on flower.
A member on this forum a lot wiser than me once said: "Buy a Dynavap, your going to end up buying one someday anyways." I'm sure most people on this forum would agree with that statement. Good luck with your transition.
I get that tbh mate. That’s why I’m thinking of picking up a used one at a discounted rate. That way I’ve got one for when I eventually want it. Im also starting to think, unlike joints, vaping may be a multiple tooled hobby. I’m used to my favourite pack of tip strips, a pack of super thin Papers and my favourite tobacco was my lot for when I smoked, but I’m starting to think vaping is a different tool for different function.

I’m happy to be wrong though :-)
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