For flavor, something convection like the E-Nano is amazing, but it is about as far from a joint as you can get, though you can hook it up to a bong (the best way to enjoy it, IMO), which is dope.
For something more similar to a joint in terms of going through the motions, the Vapcap is pretty cool, but to me, it doesn't compare to the Nano, nor does it offer anywhere close to the same level of control you have over the temp. A lot of people here love it, though, and it's cheap.
Even though a bag is very different from a joint, you can still fill one, and then sit outside and puff on it for a while like a joint, and a good bag vape like the Volcano can offer great flavor, and can hit hard AF since there is basically no draw resistance, allowing you to either sip on the bag for a while, or just crush the whole thing in a few massive hits. That said, the E-nano is far more efficient, but if money isn't an issue, and you don't mind going through a bit more bud, the Volcano is awesome, as well.
@2tiki is right, as well, about the flavor issue. You're likely going to find smoke to taste kind of bad, after trying vapor, because you're inhaling a bunch of ash and other crap, along with the cannabinoids/terps. It's a comparison thing. You're basically vaping, when you smoke, but also suckign up smoke. The cherry provides heat that vapes the rest of the bud, as the air flows over it, but it also overheats the burning part, and contributes ash and other unwanted byproducts. It's like burning the crap out of a nice steak. Sure, it may still taste like meat, in the middle, but the burnt part will pretty much ruin the flavor of the meal lol