My budget is 100$ or less. I'm mostly plan on using it at home but would be nice if it was portable.
It sounds like the Dynavap Vapcap line of vaporizers might fit your needs nicely.
These are butane powered and manually driven. Check out the Dynavap forum.
There you will find extremely satisfied customers that, once introduced to the Vapcap are compelled to declare their love for this simple, efficent, ingenious device that is aesthetically beautiful. Vapcaps are modular in design and can be customized to suit your budget and style.
They range in price from $30 for the basic glass model to $150 for the top of the line all titanium Omnivap.
Below are pictures of the mid range models; the Vapcap S - $50, the Ti Glassy - $65 and the Ti Woody - $75.
If those pics aren't enough, George
@VapCap the inventor and manufacturer, is beyond AWESOME!!! The level of customer service he provides is stellar and really second to none.