
Well-Known Member
I have been vaping herb now for several years, mainly indicas, for chronic insomnia and relaxation. I also vape and do some edibles (I make potent AVB firecrackers) for relaxation, recreation. Around mid-December 2012, I started getting shooting pains in my right hip and front and side of right leg. I did some six weeks of UNsuccessfull physical therapy. I also took naproxen, which may have had some anti-inflammatory effects, but did NOTHING for the pain. Last week I tried Tramadol, which also did NOTHING for the pain. Tomorrow (Tuesday) I am scheduled for an MRI to hopefully shed some light on what is going on and maybe a fix. Physical therapist thinks pain is starting in lower spine, but doc thinks its starting in the hip. While the herb I am using now can sometimes relax me to the point I can temporarily tune out the achiness, it does nothing the the intense shooting pains. I am wondering if there are better strains, perhaps sativas, that will reduce the pain more. I do not want to become an oxy,vicodin slave, but I am running out of options and my doc has ordered me some oxy. I am a legal herb user and live in Oregon. There are a number of clubs in my area so I have a lot of options, but need some feedback on what works best. Because of my chronic lung issues, the exertion of limping/using a cane/and pain/ make it so I, at times, can only walk a few feet before I run out of air and become exhausted.

Rebus Canebus

Well-Known Member
I just went through a spell of neurophathic leg pain as you describe. Mine was caused by a 1/4 displacement in my L-spine. I was prescribed Gabapentin, which was not effective at the dosage prescribed. I don't think you will find any strain that will work with that type of pain, at least I was not able to attain relief with MJ. Nerve pain has to be experienced in order to describe it. i have a buddy who takes Lyrica as well as narcotics and he is able to get some relief, but not total. Fortunately in my case after about three months, the crazy nerve pain has almost dissappeared. Now I just have normal back pain, and soreness. The hip/leg pain has diminished, hopefully yours will too. No amount of anything or combinations worked for me, other than to allow sleep. I was able to get relief with a heating pad alternating with a cold pack, and OTC anti inflammatories. YMMV!


Well-Known Member
Ive been dealing with realy bad nerve issues that are upper back mid shoulder and it causes pinky, elbow, and cheek numbness and sometimes involuntary jolts of pain and migraines. Its been going on for a little over a year with just a few breaks without full on symptoms.. I have found that organic Nopal juice, loooots of stretching, i use shiatsu messagers at home a full back and a little pillow one good for the sciatic nerve pain that sounds like your experiencing. Also make sure to drink alllot of water and also if you have access to one use a back decompressor that you hang most the way down on.... Nerve pains are weird... I thought when i first started having them i was having small strokes or heart attacks.. Come to find out it was a car accident that i never had taken care of and had some serious whiplash from.. Hopefull both you two can get it under control.

lost nebula

Always Vaping
Pineapple Chunk and Strawberry Cough help alot with my nerve pain. Both have decent amounts of cbd as well (not surprising).
lost nebula,

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
I found indicas to be most stress reliving also edibles beats vaporizing on that IME (gentle steady flow , not instant rush to the outer space ,found to be less stressful for some users.) Tramadol is total crap.. a friend got addicted on it and wasn't a nice story... He was like i'll take one to go to the store.. 1 to go to school... lol... numbs the nerves away...
I found that the more overprised the bud is the more negative effect it has on my nerves , so it is best to stay away from such deals.. :D


I don't think you will find any strain that will work with that type of pain, at least I was not able to attain relief with MJ. Nerve pain has to be experienced in order to describe it.
Agreed. My nerve pain isn't so much neuropathy as it is the nerve ends from all the scars from my surgeries getting pissy from time to time. Horrible stabbing burning feeling, something like a draft of air can trigger it. Don't even get me started on shirts...

I haven't found many strains that help me with that pain. Sometimes it'll happen for a few seconds or a few minutes, sometimes longer. Lidocaine patches help since it's localized for me.

As for my other pain, which is chronic musculoskeletal with some awesome flare-ups in between, indicas always help. My mornings start off with two choices: take some Vicodin and my daily NSAID, wait 30-45 minutes, and feel enough relief to go upstairs/start getting ready, or hit some flower/oil, 10-15 minutes, and start getting better. Indica provides a lot of relief for me. Some mornings I'll wake up on my side and not want to move around because my hip hurts so much. Sometimes I'll have to ask to get a glass of water because stairs aren't gonna happen right now. It's like working the longest shift you've ever worked, doubled, standing on your feet for all of it. Knee/hip pain so bad that even with all my pills and weed some days I struggle to get anything notable accomplished. I've been told by five doctors now (two who are currently head of their department in a big hospital) that I'm an interesting case. Sometimes a good fucking indica like some Pre98 Bubba Kush, LA Confidential, Earth OG, Blackberry Kush, are what speeds up my day, help me eat, and keep some of that depression away.

I found indicas to be most stress reliving also edibles beats vaporizing on that IME (gentle steady flow , not instant rush to the outer space ,found to be less stressful for some users.) Tramadol is total crap.. a friend got addicted on it and wasn't a nice story... He was like i'll take one to go to the store.. 1 to go to school... lol... numbs the nerves away...
I found that the more overprised the bud is the more negative effect it has on my nerves , so it is best to stay away from such deals.. :D
Hey Abysmal,

I agree with you in general that edibles are more suitable for the application given their long duration, but I prefer flower/oil specifically because it has that "instant rush" and has a reliable "drop-off time" for me. I can't always be stoned (and stoned is what I need to be in order to feel decent relief) like when I work have other responsibilities to attend to. I can't always wait 30-45-60 minutes to let the brownie hit me, especially not when my nausea decides to kick me in the nads. Time is of the essence there, and even with my vapes I don't always beat it.

On the tramadol topic... fuck. Don't get me started. I was on it for a long while. Eventually it went from helping me to making me super nauseated whenever I took it. My doc said since it has an abnormally long duration (6-12hrs isn't unheard of) perhaps I had some build-up and it was too much for me, so I should try half my dose and see what happens. Nope. Took half a dose a full day after my last, and got really nauseated again. It ruined my appetite, which to this day is still affected (this was two years ago now?) In total I lost a lot of weight (for me, anyways) and ended up at 113-114lbs. (ninja-edit: I'm now 14-15lbs over and keeping it there steadily. I feel much better now and my doctors say I am doing well, and "I don't know what you're doing, but keep doing it." :tup:)

My mom would tell me my face looked thin, I needed to eat, but I couldn't. I would fix up some food, take a bite, force half of it down, and spit the rest out. It wasn't that uncommon for me to go 8-16 hours in between meals. Then I said fuck it and got my recommendation, and with the help of indicas got some of my appetite back. Enough to make my face not look so thin, but not enough for my liking. I decided to do something kind of stupid, but I cold turkey'd it. 250-300mg a day to 0 was hell. I had a whole week where I vaped myself through the mind-numbing soul-crushing withdrawal. Oh, and on top of being an opioid, tramadol also has antidepressant properties to it, specifically SNRI (selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor) so I was dealing with that, too. I was basically stoned out of my brains, pretty much in a CBD-induced coma. As close as I could get to greening out without actually doing so, just to get through it. I didn't really get out of that and feel "normal" again for almost two months. Tramadol withdrawal is much worse than even just regular withdrawal in the worst ways possible. I don't miss those fucking brain zaps at all.

I don't blame my doctors for prescribing me it, though, because at the time I had told my GP that I was depressed and we talked about it and was referred to someone else. My specialist mentioned trying an antidepressant before upping my current narcotic prescription, and when I asked my GP he said that depression could well be exacerbating my already real pain (he stressed that he didn't believe that my pain was from being depressed, but rather that I had pain already, but the depression was adding to it), so tramadol seems like a logical choice. I also think that a lot of people that get tramadol prescribed show some signs of depression from their chronic pain, even if they don't think they do and the doctors pick up on it, to see if low-doses of opioid/SNRI medication is more beneficial than just low-dose stronger narcotics. I didn't get around to actually asking him until recently because I thought I was right about the depression/pain relationship (and I was) but he mentioned that I looked a lot better and happier now and asked about how I was feeling. He no longer feels that an antidepressant is needed and said he would talk to my other doc if I wanted him to about it. Cannabis is still working very well for me, so I don't think I'll be needing anything stronger in the immediate future.


Oil Painter
I have fibro and chronic myofascial pain (CMP) - and my nerve pain kicked in after being on the cruise for about 4 days... so, I had built up enough CBD or something in my system for that long.

What I use, is capsules made with kief (named "Power Ups"), and very high CBD indicas to vape. I also use Indica Bubble Hash (Bubba is good) with my bud when I vape, when it gets bad.

It did take several weeks to have the nerve pain drop as low as it has.


There are several strains that are particularly good for pain management (strains with high CBD levels). The high CBD strains I've tried are: Harlequin, and Cannatonic. Both of them are pretty amazing for pain. There is also another high CBD strain called Frank Ocean, but I haven't tried it yet.

The interesting thing about these strains is you don't really get much of a euphoric or "heady" high. The high is very mild, but the pain relief is very noticeable.


I got this HELL ANGELS OG that is so powerful that it makes my muscles relax!

I have SPINAL CEREBELLAR ATAXIA and cannabis helps me to deal with it!
For insomnia it's wonderful.


Oil Painter
Blackberry Kush, Dutch Treat, Exodus Kush - these three are my current go-to meds for my fibro & CMP. They seem to calm the nerves down.
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Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone:
Thank you all for your stories and feedback! I do have an update to my situation. On March 19, I finally had an MRI of my right hip. Turns out I have what I thought I had all along when I first started having the pain, back in mid-December 2012. I have avascular necrosis...and will have to have a total hip replacement scheduled for May 16, 2013 (barring any flare-ups of my lungs causing postponement). Avascular necrosis (AVN) can occur for a number of reasons, but one that is the most likely in my case is heavy use of prednisone. Because of the frequent and prolonged bouts of chronic presistent moderate to severe asthma I have had over the years, including many cases of bacterial asthmatic bronchitis, I have taken boatloads of oral (and sometimes IV solu medrol) steriods. Unfortunately, it's the only stuff that can reduce the inflammation in my airways enough for my lungs to get back to my "baseline" function (which is much crappier than "normal" lung function for someone my age, height, etc.).
Meanwhile, as I noted, tramadol did squat. I next tried hydrocodon acetaminophen 5-500 mg which also did nada for the pain. About a week ago I started on oxycondone HCL 5 mg which has a mild effect on some of the soreness/achyness in my legs, but does nothing for the shooting pains I get in many positions, such as sitting down and standing, putting pants on, etc. I am hoping once my hip is replaced that I will eventually be able to get off pain meds.
I can achieve a somewhat pain diminished afternoon if I vape some cannabis and sit in one very comfortable chair I recently acquired (I am taking the oxy 1 tab every 6 hours, starting at 11 a.m. for three pills total per day). But I still want more pain relief...I am cutting back on most activities now because I do worse overall pain-wise if I am too active...especially routine walking as one would do to grocery shop. By the way, here in Oregon, I can obtain cannabis a lot easier than oxy!!


I can achieve a somewhat pain diminished afternoon if I vape some cannabis and sit in one very comfortable chair I recently acquired (I am taking the oxy 1 tab every 6 hours, starting at 11 a.m. for three pills total per day). But I still want more pain relief...I am cutting back on most activities now because I do worse overall pain-wise if I am too active...especially routine walking as one would do to grocery shop. By the way, here in Oregon, I can obtain cannabis a lot easier than oxy!!

I have been playing with water path a lot lately.
During this investigation to this type of medical application I was pleased with how it made me feel!
I must say WAX (Very Blonde) through a water path relaxed my muscle tension almost immediately. I wonder how it would work for pain relief?

Wishing you well!
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