need some vape help

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so last week i bought a vape its like a fvc 400 or something, its a whip type vape, but i still hvent got the hang of it, ive been told to set it to like 300-350 but everytime i do it burns the chron... can anyone tell me what im doing wrong so i can fix it and start enjoying this thing ahah, thanks in advance.

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Well-Known Member
The temperature you use to vape will depend on a few things. i.e speed of inhale, distance of thermostat from actual herb(temp is normally at heater not at bud) ect.

If you look at the temps used for variable temp vapes you will notice different users use different settings. Start at a lower temp and increase it incrementally until you reach the desired result.

I vape at two settings myself using the first to extract the low temp goodies and the n cranking it up to finish the bowl.
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