Need some advice for new vape

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I'm looking to get a vape but can't decide which one will be best for me. I've considered getting the volcano, because I know I will like it without a doubt. I hope to hear some suggestions that will help me make the right decision in choosing a vape.

My chief concerns are 1) potency 2) 100% pure vapor (I am making the switch for my lungs/health) 3) flavor 4) ease of use/durability. My tolerance is very very high. I know that i can get medicated with a volcano as I've done it before, about 3 bags in I will start slowing down.

I've had the iolite, but was never satisfied with it. Getting medicated off of that device was nearly impossible. I hated it and this is exactly the experience I want to avoid. Vaporizing is not my takes a longer time to get medicated, and it never really takes you all the way, as combustion can. This is my opinion thus far. I think a vape on the level of the volcano will fit my needs.. I can smoke many bags to myself.. However, I wonder if whips deliver higher potency? I need to vape a lot so whips do not appeal to me so much in my head, but am open to ideas. Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
I don't think the Volcano vaporizer is a good fit for you because you seem to like the high potency hits. The Volcano is probably also the reason why vaporizing doesn't do it for you just yet. I was in the same position and although it's an amazing vaporizer in many ways, the Volcano always left me craving combustion. The vapor was light and wispy, and I needed a lot of hits to get anywhere with it.

I think you might do well with a log vape, specifically the UD. The hits are incredibly potent, it's 100% vapor, great flavor, durable, and very easy to use. Switching to a log vape was what helped me switch to vaporizing permanently. The vapor is thicker and the whole experience feels more liking smoking something, even though it's all vapor.


bags are forced air and they suffer potency/thickness as a result.

consider the cloud, SSV, and underdog! The plenty might be right up your alley too btw!
or maybe the best things for you with such high tolerance is BHO, this will further destroy your tolerance though be warned :p

Having a high tolerance look for a vape that takes a decently large bowl. the ones i suggested to you should be kick ass!

btw great first post! you must have been a lurker before you joined :p


7th floor 3 models (SSV-DBV-LSV)-BHO vapes (Persei, ThermoVape)-Cloud-New log vapes (UD, HI & others) for the big hitters!


I want the cloud but the wait time concerns me. If I'm going to have to wait a month or longer, I'd rather get something else. I really really dig this design though. And the clouds look pretty thick.

I like the ud design, but a few things make me hesitant..although I'm fairly sure it's completely safe...the fact that it's put together using glue + the unit gets hot (?) if left on 24/7, makes me wonder. Also I think theres silicone just above the bowl right? I don't see any experienced users saying anything about this being unsafe, so I'm not too worried, but I am concerned with inhaling anything but herb vapor and it does give me pause.


if you are at all concerned then the ssv is the better choice for that reason. why have any doubts in your mind right? LSV is another option that is the same thing as the SSV - the hose.

but really if you can afford it then jsut get on the list for the cloud and maybe consider a good portable in the mean time. the cloud is seriously worth it. I love mine :)
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