Need help!!

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New Member
So ive Dabbed with a friend a few times and ive been considering getting a setup for my bday, but to be honest i cant make up my mind and i dont really have a whole lot of money to spend on it.. Ive smoked for years, about a 2yrs ago i started vaping and thats all i do the forum name says FUCK COMBUSTION..i love vaping!

I can spend anywhere up to about 125 for now so im really limited.. i know the cloud pen is like 65 at my dispensary are those good for dabbing? i wasnt sure if it was a flower vape or for dabbing. i plan to go in tomorrow and check it out and talk with the guy there but just wanted a little info until then. i really like my buddy's vapor rig but i cant afford one i dont think. most the adapters are 80-100 and i dont have any bubblers or anything other than vapes so id need the whole rig. whats your guys thoughts on this? if it were you what route would u take? is there anything i can do that i may not know about?

no1 has used a cloud pen to dab?

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clouded vision

Well-Known Member
I can count the number of times I have hit a pen on one hand so I have no advice to give you there but if you want an actually dab setup instead of a pen you should check out, there are tons of full setups over there that are well within your price range. Some are cheap enough you could pick up a cheap torch at bed bath & beyond & a quality Ti nail and still come in under budget, but your money might be better spent on a little bit nicer glass and a quartz nail for starters then save up to add a good Ti nail later.
clouded vision,


New Member
yea after a long talk with the guy at the dispensary i decided i didnt want the pen style..maybe once i have an actual rig for when im home and use the pen when im out of the house. For now though i decided to settle with this new little pipe thing they had was cheap and it does ok? i like the vapor rigs a lot better thats my up for another month or so and go with some nice glass setup..ill check out that site though! im not really familiar with whats good glass and whats not. I've never been a fan of pipes/bongs.. it was always rolled in a blunt for me till i got into vaping!
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