New here, and new to portable vaporizers, started to do an online search, and quickly became overwelmed with so many vaporizers, some are chineese knockoffs. Very hard to chose.
I'm mainly a weekend toker, but I like something with a fairly good vapour taste, was thinking to buy the boundless CFX. should be good for two people at the same time. I could also wait a bit longer and buy the Mighty down the road if it's really worth it.
Thanks for your advice, and hope I posted in the right place.
I'm mainly a weekend toker, but I like something with a fairly good vapour taste, was thinking to buy the boundless CFX. should be good for two people at the same time. I could also wait a bit longer and buy the Mighty down the road if it's really worth it.
Thanks for your advice, and hope I posted in the right place.