Need a vaporizer that does not smell like herb and/or does not smell at all


Well-Known Member
Nobody pays much attention to my log vapes. Minimal loads without much smell (as far as i can tell). Grinding it smells more than the vapor I exhale I think.

Absolutely, I sometimes vape at the computer across the room from my wife, just outside her range of vision. She hardly ever notices when I vape and exhale but when I grind, fill, dump ABV or even open my stash box she asks why I'm stinking up the house (I don't want the house to smell either). If smell is a concern focus on managing where and when you expose flower, resin or ABV to the air and do a good job of cleaning up including those terpy finger prints that get over everything.


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If you get a portable I recommend a Flowermate Cap and a ziplock bag. The vape itself retails for 55/75$, stinks pretty much as conduction vapes do. But it’s very small, for the price it works pretty well. Or any vape inside a couple of plastic bags. If your budget is higher you could get a Ryot case or bag. It seems like you still aren’t familiar with vaping so it may be a non issue since vape smell disappears pretty quickly after use, especially if you open the window afterwards.
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Trusted Member Don't Worry
Down here I am legally allowed to smoke weed while walking down the sidewalk if I wanted hehe. Some apartments have decided to restrict use though. I think they only allowed weed smoking outside in public cause of people complaining they would have nowhere to legally smoke it if it was not possible to do outside.


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My wife thinks that the Magic Flight Launch Box isn't as smelly as my other vaporizers.


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I picked one of these up and my wife , who is really not fond of the smell at all, says she cant smell or see anything when I use it. It's supposed to last much longer than others since you can pop the top off and let it dry out after you use it and I was afraid that when I opened it up that the smell I was trying to get rid of would be released but there is no smell when open it up to dry out. If you're a heavy user then they say to get 2 and rotate them and they will last a really long time.


taste buds
If you have access to safe carts this device would fit your criteria and is relatively inexpensive to boot. They make standalone filters as well. I haven’t used them but I’ve used a smoke buddy which is very similar.

An alternative to candles is cooking. Even making popcorn or brewing coffee can cover up the smell of vaping. Bake some brownies, the possibilities are endless. Just don’t overindulge.:worms:


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Tons of buildings don’t allow for smoke inside or on balconies and have quickly adopted the cannabis and vaporizer as well. Apparently it makes people sick the smell. I don’t get how. I understand how cigarettes do. I hear where the OP is coming from as the situation he finds himself in.

Venturing back on topic, vapes rarely smell. I use them in hotels. Everywhere I shouldn’t. Shit smells a bit for about 10 minutes after a session if you can’t open a window. But then you are good.


Well-Known Member
The first offender isn't even the vape or the vapor. It's your stash. If you have high quality buds and you're loading the vape in the same room where you're not supposed to be giving off any weed smell, I've got bad news for you.

Then there's the vapor you exhale. I DIY'ed a Smoke Buddy/Smokeeraser with a paper towel roll thingy, dryer sheet, and some carbon AC filter media. Works great.

For the vape itself, convection vapes are your friend. My VapCap is surprisingly not smelly for a conduction vape but that's only if I keep the cap on. The moment I remove the cap that herb hits your nose even if it's AVB.

Deodorizing hack, wipe surfaces down with a mix of white vinegar and water. This goes for your vape gear as well as your house.

Weed people shouldn't have to hide in the shadows anymore. Unfortunately there are still a ton of ignorant people out there in the world. People that think that believe Refer Madness was a true to life documentary.
Agreed, but as a weed person I still dont want my place smelling like weed. Mason jars and anti smell cases = civilized, as Ataxian would say.
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Well-Known Member
@mccringleberry before i understood what vaping was, i smoked mostly out of a glass bowl. the pax2 i had was just a convenient device i happened to get talked into at the local smoke shop. it annoyed me bc I wanted to smoke quantity and i had to constantly replace the bowl.

i didn't think it smelled, and walked out to get pizza delivery or something. the hallway to my side of the apartment smelled so bad. thankfully never had an issue with neighbors, but more mindful now, kind of. vaping does keep the smell down, or at least i think so. haven't distinguished between conduction and convection. just happy with the mix of things i have.


Less soul, more mind
On reddits r/vaporents I find threads about this topic daily (mostly opened by teenagers still living with their parents I suppose) and it totally amazes me that there are people out there vaping in the bathroom with the windows open, shower running, extra fan running too, wet towels to smellblock the doors and exhaling into a smoke buddy - all at the same time! I doubt I could get high this way.


Trusted Member Don't Worry
A discreet "fan" that blows air out a carbon filter is the way to go. If the fan sucks all air in it's path out a carbon filter, none of the air would smell.


Well-Known Member
On reddits r/vaporents I find threads about this topic daily (mostly opened by teenagers still living with their parents I suppose) and it totally amazes me that there are people out there vaping in the bathroom with the windows open, shower running, extra fan running too, wet towels to smellblock the doors and exhaling into a smoke buddy - all at the same time! I doubt I could get high this way.

Jesus. That’s a lot of work. Lol.

Man I got away with a bong rip. Hold it in. And blow it out the basement window. Half my body out the window. And then a little febreeze for the surrounding area just in case haha.

I never went through that trouble unless I was doing a Jamaican got box with a blunt with 5 people in the bathroom


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