Diggy Smalls
The Naughty Unicorn with an herbal load.
The Naughty Unicorn is an on demand butane vaporizer that consists of one glass piece and relies on an 18mm ground glass connection.
A single flame lighter is placed so the flame kisses the opening. It clouds so thick and so instantly, and yes I can char if I try to ride that too long, but so far it's only a risk when trying to extract every last bit from the weed.
My homemade vaporizer consists of one glass piece with 2 screens (1 basket, 1 rimmed), and a small piece of silicone tubing.
To stir, it's really required to remove the rimmed screen to access the herb, because it really sticks hard to that screen, especially the first toke.
The silicone is to facilitate holding the device for stirring and removal.
I have experimented many times with this fun little thing with lots of revisions. It started out as a heater replacement for the elev8r using a triple torch lighter. Moving the load closer to the heater by eliminating the elev8r bowl made stirring a little more annoying, but allows a single flame to rock the hell out the herb without making the screen red-hot. The elev8r bowl let me see the herb vaporize right at eye level, which was awesome. It also made stirring a breeze, just lift and stir.
My early versions with the triple flame involved a technique that made a small screen in the thin heat intake glow red. I alleviated this by reducing the heat and raising the bowl very close to the heat intake, removing the need for the screen in the stem (which was to diffuse heat).
Here you can see the Naughty Unicorn mounted on Mr. Bubsy.
This is my leg, but you can also see into the bowl of the Naughty Unicorn.
That basket screen is just friction fit in there, and not even that securely. Just don't stab when stirring. Be gentle with the Unicorn. The rimmed basket screen goes right on top of that, and then it's done.
Pushing the limits with this guy, I was able to char, but feedback with this is so fast, no actual burning took place. This Unicorn is very receptive to flame control...I was getting some really long lower temp pulls that were so delicious, but it takes practice. My initial usage consisted of milking for a few seconds, stop and stir, rinse and repeat.
All parts were from other purchases. The glass piece is a cheap nectar collector tip. The rimmed screens were bought for use with my insta heat cartridge. The other screen was for glass stems for my heat island/underdog, but flattened out just a bit.
I had so much fun playing around with this, and figured maybe someone else would want to get high with a unicorn, and maybe they already have the spare parts or comparable parts. Finally, I have no way of taking usage shots cause this takes two hands to use and I vape alone at the house.
Empty Unicorn with rimmed screen removed for loading.