I haven't even tried it yet.
No one asked why the Hell I gave a $20 donation for 2 grams of crap herb.
All they had, was .5g. But, when I was talking to mty usual bud tender, we were talking about the Top Shelf shake again. They sell it at $10/g... which is probably what I should buy on a regular basis, really. However, he said if I wanted to give BHO a try, he'd sell it to me, at $5/g.
So today, I swung back by and grabbed 10g, plus I can add the 2g from yesterday.
So I guess I'm giving BHO a try, soon. Though, that shake, sure is a tasty vape.
EDIT: Weighed out, what I had after tossing in the freebie herb form yesterday. So, I have 12.4g. I'm still reading on this whole process. I want to do butane, but I'm not really hip on the idea of heat. When you did what I did (drive hazmat/petroleum products big trucks)... introducing two things that haven't any business being together, isn't my idea, of a good one.
But, my understanding of butane and the purge, is butane will eventually dissipate/evaporate. Not sure, but I should be able to cover the dish with a filter, fan blowing over it and minimum time, should be a day at most... though I'm thinking the longer I let it sit, the thicker consistency.
But, then I don't really have any idea what I'm talking about.