Dude - you always make me laugh. Should have called the strain green ass crackI would mix it with something fruity if you can. I have had green crack and headband in the past and when you vape it it makes your breath smell like you have been chewing an asshole.
I know many aren't going to like this, but, have you tried to combust it, or roll it in a blunt, the blunt for sure will erase any bad ass crack tasteAlright so I tried mixing it up a bit and what I am getting is ass crack with a hint of papaya! If I run it through water it dilutes the flavor a bit - nor does it hurt chasing it with a shot of good tequila, im just saying.....![]()
Yeah the Green Crack I had tasted funky. Only lasted around 1.5-2hr as well, and the comedown was quick and clean... yeah I kept hitting that shit aaaaaaaaall day.
That was really my only complaint about Green Crack, the medicinal value did not last as long as other strains, but the flavor has always been great. We have had some great batches come through when it was more popular a few years back, now it is more scarce.
I've heard that some people said it taste ok too, I've had headband and thought it tasted great but others here said that it taste like shit - I guess it just depends on the batch. However - the high seems to be great, I only have issues with the flavor of this batch - eh, maybe the guy bagged it with his feet![]()
I saw your Ulu Cutlery in the background. I have one of those too!
BTW, nice stash.![]()
Ulu users unite! hahaha I was just looking, and saw that it made it into the pic, albeit blurry. that one is my mothers, and my grandparents have one as well. My buddy just got one from a relative in alaska, sans the artwork.
I got mine from a friend in Alaska too! I love mine! Ulu users unite.
The M.O.B. looks tasty!![]()
...yeah, I don't have a fancy set-up. A phone that cost me $5, and a small phone macro lens that cost me another $5. My phone is the MyTouch 4G Slide (internationally known as the HTC Doubleshot) from T-Mobile. This was the camera lens that I bought. Good lighting is also important!
Purpl3, your buds and oils look... stupid fucking good. Mouth-watering, even.
From my experience its all in the purge and how much you play with it.dammmmmm!!!!! you gotta show me how to make stuff that looks like that!!!!