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Today is my 23rd Phishiversary (12/12/92).Hiya! I LOVE taking my thc juice pens into concerts! OMG so great. No probs with security, puff all the show, no coughing and hacking, just mellow vapor.
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Since I switched to tanks with dual coil atomizers, I've had a lot less dry hits. I'm not sure they're best suited to many people here because you get bigger hits and therefore go through your juice quicker (so if you mix strong, you'd burn through your concentrate too fast maybe). I like to mix my juice very diluted anyway so it's great for me. I love having a few big pillowy cloud puffs. Also, since switching to glass tanks that you can take apart and remove the atomizer, I find taking out the atomizer half way through the tank and cleaning it (quick soak in ISO or Acetone) makes it hit like a brand newly filled tank (I also clean it every time I fill it). Highly suggested!
Epic tweezer on 12/12/92! And yes love how easy it has made shows! Haha