EJ Mix unexpectedly arrived early.
Ok, yeah, this seems to be working quite nicely. Weather around 85 degrees, no leaks. Following the directions on the bottle (~35 drops/1g of concentrate) with better budder co2 oil has given me a pretty solid high. I had to gently heat the tank a little to get the juice to roll down.
After that, it was awesome. I might add a bit more EJ mix (though it seems thick) -- what's a safe ratio to add thinner PG if I want to dilute?
Just got a new toy, the Nautilus Mini. From my initial experiences these new BVC (single vertical coil) atomizers are ideal for my ejuice. I have my juice in a mini and standard nautilus both with the new coils. Flavour is great, vapour production is outstanding. Now if these also last more than a few days I will be a very happy bunny. ... Now a few days further. Coils are still working as if they were new. No flooding or leaking from the air hole. The occasional gurgle but that clears itself up. These coils which really combine the best of a cartomizer with a clearomizer really do seem to be another step forward.
Just my words of caution, if you are in an area where your temps can get over 85°F, there's a very high chance of leaks. At least that's been my experience with every clearomizer I've used. I've never used the Nautilus Mini before, but it looks very similar to the AeroTank Mini. The Sapphires from GotVapes.com leak the least of all I've ever used (only 2 occasions, and they were small). However, the hit is so restrictive on them, and I find the flavor isn't nearly as nice as other clearomizers I've tried.
There are things you can do to try and minimize leaks (storing upside down, thicker juice, etc), but it never seemed to help me much. When I stored mine upside down, I didn't get leaks into the battery anymore...it started to leak out the drip tip! Granted not as much, since basically whatever was absorbed by the wick would start to leak down, instead of the whole tank. But a leak is a leak. Keep in mind, my leaks are primarily heat induced. If you live in a cooler climate, this might not be much of an issue for you.
Nautilus MiniWhat tank are you using.
The glass isn't actually threaded. It's a silicon seal at the base. The threading happens in the hardware that contains the coils (which I don't know the name of, but I'm suspecting you do).(2) I don't like the idea of a threaded glass tank, which the Nautilus Mini has.
Nautilus Mini - The glass isn't actually threaded. It's a silicon seal at the base. The threading happens in the hardware that contains the coils (which I don't know the name of, but I'm suspecting you do).
I presume you're talking about a leak from the bottom air hole in the atty (the part that touches the center terminal of your mod's 510 connector). If not, then I don't have any thoughts to help, as neither of my two mPT3's or my mini AeroTank has ever leaked at all from anywhere except from the bottom air hole in the atty. (And the leaks I'm talking about amount to a couple of drops, max, not a flood).@Haywood that is great. I am still having leaking issues with the mPT3. I am using the coil that shipped with the mPT3 from fast tech. I have two of them and tried to rebuild one but that leaked also. I am going to try and rebuild again but this is just frustrating as I rarely have leaks with regular E juice.
I was chugging along with the aero mini with new style coils for a while with no issues. A few weeks ago I had a massive leak though. Put in a new head and had gurgling/liquid in mouth from the get go. Tried another head, same issue. Tried my other backup tank and a new head, worked OK for a day or two then leaks. Maybe i got a bad pack of coil heads, who knows? Regardless, I'm officially 100% done with kanger products. They perform well until they leak, but they always leak eventually even with all of the babying techniques discussed above.
Been using the Nautilus mini for about 6 days now and it has been flawless. Not a single leak, not a drop. Performs as well or better than any of the kanger products I've used. I've tried it on a regular ego, a twist, and on my dna30 mod with great results on all. Even cranked the power to 15 watts on the dna and got massive rips with no burnt taste or dry hits. I have not had to baby this thing at all. Even left it in a HOT car for a few hours. When I came back the first few toots were gurgly but it worked itself right out with no leaks or juice in mouth.
@Haywood there is threaded glass in the top of the tank but the glass is very thick and I don't see it as being an issue. You don't really unscrew that part much anyway, only if you were doing a thorough cleaning.
Give the Nautilus mini a shot if you are in the market for a new tank. I couldnt be more pleased with mine so far.
are the nautilus coil heads rebuildable?
I assume someone will figure out a way to rebuild them but I'd say probably not. Honestly these bvc coils work so well out of the box that I don't see a need to rebuild. At least not with the goal of improving performance. If the goal is to not have to buy replacements when a head wears out, I dunno. They seem like they should be pretty long lasting. The wicking material is ceramic and it surrounds the coil rather than threading through it so everything is held in place snuggly. The ceramic is not gonna burn or wear out like silica or cotton. I've only used it for about 6 days. I'll report when performance drops and I need to replace the head, but I suspect that it won't be for a while.
@2clicker is this the new atomizer you use and have had some success? https://www.fasttech.com/products/1411/10005274/1738303
not sure about the "mega" dual coil from FT. these are what i am using, but its only been less than 3 weeks so things could go south really fast.
thats a little much for my liking, but if they do not leak at all then it may be worth loading more. i dont like the esthetics of them as much as the kanger offerings, but agian if the leakage stops then it just makes sense. maybe they will make a smaller one.
@walrus are you using a bottom dual coil or bottom vertical coill?
Also where did you see the coil was ceramic?
It's a little big for my tastes as well and ugly as shit, especially on an ego battery. Performance is far more important to me though so I'm willing to let that stuff slide.
I'm using the 1.8ohm bottom vertical coil heads that came with the Nautilus mini. The coil isn't ceramic, the wicking material is. Google the nautilus mini, pretty much anywhere that sells it mentions the ceramic wick, also there are some review videos that tear apart the head and show the materials inside.
1 week later.
The Nautilus Mini w/VV Spinner has become the primary smoking apparatus for my partner and myself. Using it daily. Outside every day, usually around 3-8, carrying the thing in my pocket right-side up. Highs for my area reached 91, but usually hovered right around 80-82 degrees. I've left it in the car several times.
The gram of better budder CO2 oil has lasted us about 2x as long as it normally would, which makes me wonder how much I've been wasting with nails.
And then, yesterday, I dropped it. Onto asphalt. From a height of "my lap while seated in the civic."
All components survived the fall, including the tank. I am a happy panda.
Still no discernible leakage whatsoever.
The only sad thing is that it seems to be just chewing through the battery. I haven't run the battery completely down yet, but the light is changing to blue much, much faster than it would with my old Gentleman's. I can't tell if this is just because I'm using it a lot more (so easy!) or what.
I'm looking forward to trying the mix with shatter -- I'm hoping it retains more flavor than the CO2 oil did.
Haven't noticed one; got a link, perhaps.There is also a metal clad tank available for the Nautilus Mini. I am using a 1500 ma VW ego and that lasts pretty well.
I've been debating buying one of these, but along with all the good stuff, there are some negatives for me. (1) Even though it's a "mini", the Nautilus Mini is significantly fatter than the mPT3 and the mini AeroTank. This makes for a pretty suspicious/noticeable/ugly rig when used with an eGo style battery. When I have to fly around on business, and stealth is paramount, I use a tank setup (currently a franken-hybrid of the SS internal parts from an AeroTank mini with the top and bottom pieces from a mini ProTank 3, all on a small 450mAh VV Vision Spinner eGo type battery). When I don't have to go through some sort of security, I travel with an atty based rig (not a tank) and feed it non-liquid concentrates. I like the Pure Gold I run through the clearo, but I get sick of it if that's all I vape. (2) I don't like the idea of a threaded glass tank, which the Nautilus Mini has. This may be a totally unfounded fear, but I still have it.On the other hand, I really like the idea of flexible ceramic wicking around the Nautilus Mini vertical coil, and I like the idea of a vertical coil with an open center, with the wicking surrounding the coil. (There's a thin layer of a cotton like material surrounding the flexible ceramic material, between it and the shell of the replaceable atty, but I don't think it will hamper absorption of even a very thick liquid, and there's a similar material in the newer versions of the dual bottom coil Kanger attys as well).
I couldn't agree with your observations more. I have the same love/hate of the GotVapes Sapphires; I finally stopped using them due to the hernia inducing draw necessary (and the shitty flavor, and I don't like having to use their "duck-bill" mouthpiece). I've been on the road for the past three weeks (hence my absence here) and I thought I'd pass on my observations with traveling with the mPT3 and Pure Gold. The observations should hold the same for any thick liquid, not just PG. I was in Dallas TX (105° day, 94° night), Las Vegas NV (110° day, 84° night), and Charlotte NC (100° day, 90° night), as well as a few other places with more human summer temps. I was on more than a half dozen pressurized jets. I followed the tips from you and @215z (and probably others, I am so behind in catching up on my reading here I don't have time to search out the messages now), and they worked 100%. Understanding that the high temps caused the air in the top of the tank to expand and push the liquid in the bottom of the tank out the bottom air hole in the atty itself was the tip that made it all work. I had zero leaks the whole time. Oh, and I happened to have one of the "type one" Kanger atty's installed, the one with the protruding wicks. I don't think there's much difference with regard to the leaking between the different type atty's that Kanger has made. Haven't found one of the solid ceramic wick versions to try yet though...
When I was flying, I used one of the plugs that's from the GotVapes Sapphire clearo to plug the hole in the bottom of the mPT3 atty (cut the thicker cylinder plug side off, used the pointy side in the mPT3 atty hole). Then I screwed it lightly on to an eGo style VV battery. The plug kept any leaks from happening no matter what orientation the mPT3 took in my carry on luggage. After I landed and got where I was going, I removed the plug. I carried the rig upside down in my breast pocket whenever I was out and about. Again, that prevented any leaks, even in 105° temperatures.
One thing I've noticed (all along, even before the above tips) was that I would get a little clog when the PG dribbled (or was pushed by air pressure) down the air path between the coils and the bottom hole in the atty. If I didn't deal with it, it only got worse, culminating in a little leak out the bottom. It didn't impede the use of the rig, the clog "cleared" itself at the first hit, but it came back every time I used the rig cold. I figured out a trick to fix this without having to take anything apart. I just hold the rig upside down after every hit, and the heat from the coil warms up the bottom of the atty enough that the PG that's coating the inside of the air path below the coil runs down into the coil. After three or four hits, all the oil has traveled back to coil, and the atty doesn't start out clogged and any potential leaks have been avoided. Another thing that surprised me: I expected after a number of hours sitting upside down in my pocket that it would take some effort to get the rig working properly again. Not the case! Even though "all" the PG was sitting in the top of the tank, there was apparently plenty enough left in the wicks and atty to provide great hits long before the PG traveled back down the tank to the bottom. In fact, I never had to do anything special to grab a hit. Just took the rig out of my pocket upside down, turned it right side up, and took as many hits as I wanted. Didn't have to wait for the PG to travel down at all.