No. Actually it remains pretty thick. There is no burnt taste that I can ascertain. In the photo below, formally full cart does not easily flow. Still, seems to work.
What do you guys use to heat the glass
Only reason I ask was that I was recently reading some stuff that was attempting to explain the difference of psychoactive effects between indica and sativa. There were multiple articles with tons of conflicting information, as far as which exact terpenes could be responsible, but the general idea was that some people think that varying ratio's of different terpenes in different strains in combination with the cannabinoids is what is creating a unique experience within each strain or phenotype of a strain. I guess my question hinges on the idea that is principle is true but let's just say it is for the purpose of this post. So if this is true, adding and using terpenes as a solvent could potentially change the effects of certain strains could it not? Just trying to better understand the role these terps play outside of flavor if there is any. Hopefully one of you guys can shed some light.
Great post. Its interesting I have not had the problem u describe with my CC mix getting thicker as it goes. In fact my experience has been the opposite it hit's even better more it is used up. Usually hits best near the end of the cart. I did have the problem u describe when using Puff Majic. I am a little concerned about how caustic the CC is on the plastic o.pen carts but I haven't witnessed any degrading of my carts or syringe.Havent been around in a while but some good stuff going on in here. The convo got a little stale for awhile.
I got some CC that a client gifted me. Had a good taste. She didn't like the throat hit. It is a decent product IMO but it has its issues just like any mix. Works good but cant get a good mix that stays the same thickness through the whole cart fill. Thinkin it because the terps vape out much faster than the concentrates. So by the end of my cart I have some thick shit that doesn't wick well. When I pull it apart I have a coil caked in goo. My other gripe is that it is as harsh or harsher on the lungs as dabbing and that was what I was trying to get away from with vaping liquids. I want something better on my lungs than smoking and the terp mix gets my asthma going bonkers!
And I gotta ask. Are some of you using this stuff in plastic disposables? FYI terps eat plastics and rubbers fast as hell. Try sucking that stuff up into a syringe and it jams up fast cuz it almost instantly eats the plastic and rubber. I'm not willing to trust it in some cheap ass Chinese made throw away.
Sorry if some of this stuffs been talked about before. Only went back a couple pages
im still learning so much here.
all this terpene talk lately really explains why i dont like to dab/shatter as much as vaping some strong kush flower through my SSV. i think the missing terpenes are what i want. gonna have to put up the money for some CC soon to try them out.
still enjoying my puff majic original in a K1 for stealth though. i mixed it a little thinner last batch, was using 2:1 shatter to PM, mixed up some 2.5:1 yesterday for funfunfun fest, and it seems to be wicking a lot better in the K1. not getting too much of the burnt taste, as long as i dont ride the power too hard on it. it definitely gets the job done when i dont want to get caught, its so stealthy.
Great post. Its interesting I have not had the problem u describe with my CC mix getting thicker as it goes. In fact my experience has been the opposite it hit's even better more it is used up. Usually hits best near the end of the cart. I did have the problem u describe when using Puff Majic. I am a little concerned about how caustic the CC is on the plastic o.pen carts but I haven't witnessed any degrading of my carts or syringe.
Hey, good discussion going on here.
I'm using a couple $10 "disposables" like the K1 that have a glass tank and replaceable heaters (Gentleman's Saboteur Tank, and Kanger Mini Protank 3). They're ok, not perfect. I prefer this style over the tiny, plastic disposables because I prefer not to use plastic for anything and I don't feel comfortable supporting anything completely disposable. Anyway, I mix my juice pretty diluted, usually 1-to-3 or 1-to-4 (concentate to mix). I'm using Vapeur Extract mix (similar to EJ and PM) and my juice is pretty goopy at first but gets more runny over time. I pull out the heater and clean it about half way through the tank. I find that keeps the flavor, helps it hit well, and prevents the blackening of the mix (I always clean the whole tank and heater after it's empty before refilling). I use super basic little 3 temp batteries and mostly only use the lowest temp. So far, so good, sort of.
I have a question for everyone here though. (this crosses over with something I mentioned in the rosin thread but it's more relevantly discussable here).
I find concentrates deliver a monotone experience, it's why I never got into dabbing. I always preferred to smoke bud, and now for the past 4 years only vaped bud. Past couple months I've only been juicing concentrates into vape tanks to see if I could just do that for convenience. I dig the convenience but hate the taste and I'm getting bored of the monotone concentrate experience. I've been buying .5g wax packs at my dispensary. They're labeled with strain names, purport to not be butane extractions, and have QR codes on the back that take you to lab test results. They're all fine, plenty strong, but I get no strain differentiating effects between the strains offered. I've gone through about 6gs of different strains that I know well from bud and they all feel the same IMO. I miss vaping bud.
SO, I finally bit the rosin bullet today (pic, relevant part being the top image in the collage):
This pic isn't showing off anything awesome. It's a totally noob, first try. What's cool here was sticking it in my pen. As a technique, rosin has much higher terpene retention than other extraction methods. I mixed it with the Vapeur Extract same ratio as I usually use, filled the tank, let the wick prime, and took a couple puffs. It was really awesome. The flavor and full effects (IMO) are like night and day compared to when I mixed juice using the dispensary wax.
I've been considering buying some terpene extracts, or a mix with terpenes included, etc. Now I'm not sure it's necessary. If rosin can retain so much more terpenes to begin with, it feels like it may not be necessary to try to re-introduce any afterwards (best part being they're already there in the strain specific profile, not added haphazardly). This is the same mix that I used with the dispensary wax before. Those all ended up tasting the same (slight cannabis, no strain differentiation, mostly burnt plastic, generally gross unless I added artificial flavor). This mix today (with the rosin) should taste the same also but it does not by a long shot. It tastes mostly like the rosin and very little like peg/pg/vg. The buzz is full layered like buds also, not monotone like extracts.
We'll see how I feel about it as I go through this tank and try squashing some other strains of buds, but right now I'm so sold on rosin. All the flavor that I've been missing, and more importantly all the full spectrum secondary effects that I love from vaping bud feel like they're back. This is pretty huge for me. The prospect of being able to just press my own concentrates in small, quick batches to enjoy strain unique effects again, but with the convenience of the e-cig method is really exciting.
So my question: Am I crazy? Has anyone else, who prefers bud flavors and effects over concentrates for the same reasons, compared flavor and effects of mixing ejuice with conventional extracts vs mixing with rosin?
When u say that u drill the holes a bit wider are u talking about the intake holes inside the cartridge that suck the liquid in or the air holes on the outside of the cartridge. Could those of you who have drilled out a K1 explain this process?Also the K1 is still the best tasting cartridge I've found yet. I do drill the holes a bit wider for better airflow.
Ya, the cheap wax is $25 for 1/2 g at my regular.Thanks! I'm going to give it a whirl this weekend. My only issue is dispensary wax around me costs around $30 per gram. It will be hard to match this with Rosin and a 15% yield. But the idea of using a solventless extract in my e-juice appeals to me. Even though dispensaries are claiming their wax was made without butane, I don't buy it.
When u say that u drill the holes a bit wider are u talking about the intake holes inside the cartridge that suck the liquid in or the air holes on the outside of the cartridge. Could those of you who have drilled out a K1 explain this process?
Hey, good discussion going on here.
I'm using a couple $10 "disposables" like the K1 that have a glass tank and replaceable heaters (Gentleman's Saboteur Tank, and Kanger Mini Protank 3). They're ok, not perfect. I prefer this style over the tiny, plastic disposables because I prefer not to use plastic for anything and I don't feel comfortable supporting anything completely disposable. Anyway, I mix my juice pretty diluted, usually 1-to-3 or 1-to-4 (concentate to mix). I'm using Vapeur Extract mix (similar to EJ and PM) and my juice is pretty goopy at first but gets more runny over time. I pull out the heater and clean it about half way through the tank. I find that keeps the flavor, helps it hit well, and prevents the blackening of the mix (I always clean the whole tank and heater after it's empty before refilling). I use super basic little 3 temp batteries and mostly only use the lowest temp. So far, so good, sort of.
So my question: Am I crazy? Has anyone else, who prefers bud flavors and effects over concentrates for the same reasons, compared flavor and effects of mixing ejuice with conventional extracts vs mixing with rosin?
I have spent a couple of weeks on this subject and what vape would best do it [i do not want a wick vape as i consider them to be unhealthy] i don't want to use any PG as i no that's not good for you, I no alot of e liquids have 20% or more in there but there are many with 100% Vg although i am told it simply cannot be 100% VG or it would be too thick a soloution..and that's what got me thinking maybe an oil vape in better suited.... and little as possible of the peg 300 cos that is not great for you either, as far as i know VG is not that unhealthyI'm unsure of ratios. I've seen some people share their custom ratio recipes in this thread if you browse back though. I'm just using one of the premixed brands and dissolving my concentrate into it (it doesn't list percentages on the label).
If I remember correctly, some people do 50/40/10 - pg/vg/peg? Someone help me out here. Then mix that 1/1 or 1/.5 - concentrate/mix depending how strong you want your hits, and that works ok in most vapes. Hopefully someone will chime in. I have similar questions because I'd rather make my own mix. The mixer I'm using is called Vapeur Extract (some mix of pg/vg/peg). I'd like to make it thinner though, it's a little goopy. I'm wondering if I should mix some pg into it or peg (then I don't know which peg to use either)?
**EDIT: I'd love to know more about this. All I know about PG vs VG is that nic vapers use more of one of the other to get more clouds or more throat hit. I don't know which, or at which ratio dissolves concentrates better. All I know about PEG is that people use it to mix steroids with so snooping around in muscle building forums I've found that the numbering in PEG relates to the molecular mass of the compound you're trying to dissolve. THC is 314.4 so at least PEG 300 is needed. I wonder if you can just dissolve concentrates directly in pure PEG 300, but probably not since they're not just THC (there's still oils in concentrates and CBDs, terpenes, etc).