My plan to get rid of (I think) a ghost in my home


Well-Known Member
Ghost Bust?


I've physically seen ghosts in the house, at various stages of my life. Generally speaking they're just harmless lonely things that want attention and will do anything to get it. Sometimes they want your energy and will use your fear to get it because people dump energy when they're afraid. But I'd say check out mundane sources of the creeps first, just to be sure you don't have mice or termites or something else damaging the structure of your house.

That being said, sage, cedar, and rosemary are all good smudge choices for a message to ghosts to fuck off if you don't want them there. Also, salt. Preferably colored black but any will do. Scatter at anything that could be used as an entrance. mirrors count. If you want personal protection you can carry on your person, make friends with an obsidian stone. Volcanic glass. In the case those are not effective for you, there's always onyx, hematite, or jet. Black is darkness and the unknown and shielding. So basically any black stone you like will help. My experience and knowledge of the paranormal and spiritual stuff is just a mishmash of things I've found useful or even necessary.

I don't remember if I've had a formal awakening, and if I did I wouldn't have known to recognize it because my family is Catholic, so when I was much younger I was too, but what I ended up truly experiencing did not mesh with the stated beliefs of theirs. There's MUCH more to the world, both good and bad, as far as I have seen... so I began practicing whatever I felt like, learning shit, seeing shit. Irony is they still think I'm fully one of them. Not bashing Catholics, but at my church it was very regimented. Ghosts didn't exist... I know I wasn't half asleep or dreaming when I saw the ghosts in my house and I know I wasn't hallucinating, so how does anybody explain that? Thank fuck they were all friendly when I was young though. Or at least neutral. Recent visits have at times not been friendly. One time I was about to freeze my ass off in summer w/ the windows open. But in my experience ghosts are real, just.... usually highly unlikely.
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