My next portable on-demand vaporizer


Well-Known Member
So i'm in search for my next portable vape and it has to be on demand, no more session style for me.

I recently bought an xmax v3 pro but after waiting for a week i asked at the shop and the vape was out of stock so i asked a refund because i was not okay with waiting for 2+ weeks.

But this little bump maybe was for the best, i was not really super convinced with the xmax but it is still in the list of possible devices that i can buy.

to get more specific advices i'm gonna list what i search in the device and what i don't care for:

I dont care about:

taste, i'm gonna vape semi-shitty weed from the streets and i can only visit amsterdam for like a week every year so good taste is on the bottom of my priorities (also i just don't care that much in general).

the device has to be easy to clean and maintain, like 5 years old kid easy, to give an example, the arizer solo for me is a super easy device to maintain, if i can just brush the chamber when i finish my load and clean a straight stem\airpath every month or 2 (or 3) i'm an happy mofo.

I'm not gonna use bubblers or water devices or anything like that, so having accessories for that in the package or having a vape that give his best through a water piece is a big no-no, i'm always gonna use it raw.

I really don't care for stealth factor or weight or shape, i'm gonna use the device mostly at home, but it has to be portable and sturdy because i have clumsy heavy hands.

Price is not really a problem.

I don't care for concentrates or hash options, only flowers.

I don't particularly care about vibration or rumble, but i kinda like having a display.

Any e-cig mod or device that need to be attached to a e-cig mod is a no-no, i don't wanna change coils and i'm absolutely ignorant when it comes to wattage etc.

What i care about:

I want the opposite of people who care about finishing a load with a couple of hits, if i can prolong a 0.1-0.2 gram load for 30+ hits with some 5-10 degrees temp step, i'm super happy with that, i'm buying a vaporizer because the price of weed here where i live is astronomically absurd and pretty shit quality, and like we said in italy, my ass doesn't produce money so smoking is not an option anymore, if i get 20-25 hits from a .50-1gr joint my objective is to get the same number of hits from a fraction of that weed.

It has to be on demand of course, so the less cooking when i'm not directly hitting the better since i'm trying to save my weed, so a device that cool down pretty fast after a puff or two.

Good battery life and repleaceable battery, if it has 18650 batteries it's better but proprietary not pricey batteries are ok too, but it has to be repleceable.
I don't care for usb-c charge since i'm probably gonna use my nitecore charger.

since i don't use water pieces, the device has to be pretty good at cooling the vapor by itself, i don't pretend to not have some harsh vapor when i hit at 230C, but surely something way less harsher than let's say a grasshopper.
I also have a knack for those small retractible zirconian mouthpieces that get used by davinci devices or the legacy, or just retractible mouthpieces in general but it is not a deal breaker, i'm okay with a more bulky mp, even as an external official accessory.

Complete temp control, better if digital but i can go with a dial\wheel, i can survive with pre-temps but better be like 5-6 that cover the 170-230 range.

I guess fast heating is a given when we talk about on demand devices, but i'm okay with a max of 15 sec like the xmax 3, but not a second more.

I like glass airpath but it's not a deal breaker.

It has to be available in europe, i'm not gonna buy from US with added taxes and long shipping times, i need the device now.

It has to be an heavy hitter when i need to, temp step is nice and all but if need to dance on the edge of combustion the device has to be on par for the job (i like how the anvil's guy describe the whole thing)

Minimum stirring between hits is a big plus for me.

These are some of the devices that i was looking:

xmax 3 pro
airvape legacy (i like that it is basically a firefly with built in temp control)

The closest device to perfection would be a grasshopper (even without the particular form factor) with bigger chamber, way less harsher vapour, way better battery life, better mouthpiece and more comfy temp control.

I'm probably forgetting some other details but it's 2AM in italy so i'm going to bed now:D

Thanks in advance and sorry for the WOT and shitty english.
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Well-Known Member
I would go with the TinyMight. It’s more powerful and versatile, although I’m not sure how many hits you can stretch a load for…probably as many as other similar devices though, if you keep the temp setting low.

I know @KeroZen uses his Nomad to draw a lot of hits out of each load, so he might have some tips.

I would suggest a Nomad or Toad as other great options, but they’re made in Canada and unless you got lucky finding a used one there’s no way to get one fast.

Abele Rizieri Ferrari

Well-Known Member
Sounds like Xmax v3 pro will be a good choice, especially since you're not interested in taste and accessories. Paying much for not so tasty weed is kinda sucky tho, so you might wanna look into guerrilla farming and or dnm. Tm is by all accounts a step up of course, so if you're thinking of upgrading down the line you could choose to skip that part. Maybe consider butane also?

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Yeah you can milk TM at the low end, but other things you mentioned make me think it's not so ideal for OP, so yeah xmax v3pro still does sound quite right honestly... Roffu might extract too quick but if it can be slowed down that could be good too... Otherwise need to compromise somewhere, Air Max could actually be satisfying here??

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I didn’t get into session stuff because the OP said it had to be on demand…but yeah, if you’re using the whole bowl in 1 or 2 sessions your options open up more.

Yeah, but they had so many other qualifications, I think the best thing to compromise on, may in fact be the on-demand feature in this case! :lol: ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the answers, i was hoping for some other vape to research but it looks like TM and xmax 3 really are the best options.

What i don't like about the xmax 3 is that the heating time is still a bit too long for my taste, 15-20 sec to reach temp and another 15-20 sec for the hit, that's like keeping the button pressed for like 30+ sec to get a single hit from room temp, a bit too much if we consider that an OG grasshopper heat up in like 1-2 seconds...

@Shit Snacks why do you think that the TM is not for me? Does it require high maintainance or stirring?

Also i don't really understand your exchange with @Vaporware, can you explain better (my fault not yours)

Researching for toad\nomad infos as we speak.

Abele Rizieri Ferrari

Well-Known Member

Currently out of stock though.

As for the discussion I believe it's debated wether a session vape might be able to hit more boxes.

Maybe MiniVAP Teflon is worth a look, tho temps isn't as exact as you might like and kind of a hassle to get working with glass.


Well-Known Member

Currently out of stock though.

As for the discussion I believe it's debated wether a session vape might be able to hit more boxes.

Maybe MiniVAP Teflon is worth a look, tho temps isn't as exact as you might like and kind of a hassle to get working with glass.
A french site has it available, la centrale vapeur.

Hopefully their "in-stock" is not a lie and they actually have the device ready to ship.

The thing with session vapes is that i don't wanna be forced to do repeated hits because the vape is in charge, i'm in charge:D
I don't want my herb to cook when i'm not directly hitting, i have extremely irregular smoking patterns, i can do 1 hit every 30 min or -2-3-4 rapid fire hits in 30 sec.
I saw pics in here of weed getting consumed in the xmax 3 while using session and not directly vaping and the xmax 3 seems pretty convenction only as a device, so even pure convection waste a bit of your weed durong a session, and that's a big nono.
If session was ok i would have just bought a mighty or used one of my many session vapes.

The 2 doubts i have about the TM are:

Is the cleaning of the device complicated?

Is the extraction too good so maybe not optimal to get as many hits from a bowl compared to the weaker xmax 3?
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Well-Known Member
MiniVAP Teflon is convection, just not on demand. You can use it with battery or power adapter. There's heat up time though as it's not on demand.
Minivap is kinda too big for me, i know that i said form factor is a non-factor (pun intended) but that thing looks massive.

Also like i said, no on demand no party.
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Butane powered
I'm gonna throw a curve ball into your search and suggest you look at the Sticky Brick Jr. I'm not sure what you'll see as a positive or negative so I'll list all the aspects I can think of.

It's butane powered
No batteries
No screen
You're the one responsible for the temperature level
It's on demand
It's pretty compact (and even smaller when you use it)

You can take it out and about with you
It's a glass and wood airpath
Pure convection (which people seem to like)

Maintenance is simple as long as you don't combust (then it's only slightly more complicated)

Loads can be large (0.2g) or small (0.08g)
Fast or slow heat up is down to you and how you use the torch

You can use the mouthpiece from the Sticky Brick Runt if you want a longer airpath (which you can buy separately)

It's available in Europe (though a similar device, the Dreamwood Dobby, is made in Germany)

Comes with everything you need (except butane, and a Storz and Bickel brush - which I find very useful to have)

There is a learning curve


Well-Known Member
A direct butane powered option like a Sticky Brick might actually be good to consider too, although I haven’t seen anyone draw out a bowl that long. They are on demand and there’s no waiting for heat up. There are other similar things out there from O’Connell Woodworks, Doug’s Woodery, Dreamwood, etc.

The Nomad and Toad are a couple of my favorite designs and I do recommend everyone check them out, but they are unregulated (no electronics to check the battery, set a specific temp, etc. so they are more manual, and they have long waiting lists to even get a chance to order one.

If you like them as much as I do from reading about them, get on the list for later. You’d be very lucky to find one used for sale though, and that’s the only way to get one any time soon. That’s why I said TM for something you need now. :)

I should say again though, I haven’t used a TM and most people use it for fast extraction so trust @Shit Snacks and not me about how many hits you can get from one bowl if you try to stretch it. I think if you load smaller amounts and don’t try to get as many hits out of each load, that could work too.

If you really want more options, something in the VapCap or Vapman range might work for you. Less hits but small loads and a lot of people find them effective.

Oh yeah, the TM, Nomad, Toad, Milaana, P80 and other stem based devices are easy to clean. It’s almost always just the stem, or maybe brushing the screen inside off if you get a lot of flower on it.

Edit: Added more info.
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Gentleman Of Leisure
TM all day. You sound too fussy/demanding for the slower, weaker heater of V3 Pro which will also be more annoying to keep clean.

I disagree with the Brick recommendations: you'll fly through your shitty weed with any of those. Not that you can't coax smaller hits out of a Brick, but you're always just a nudge of the torch from thick vapor and it seems poorly specified for your expressed need of stretching a bowl forever


Well-Known Member
TM all day. You sound too fussy/demanding for the slower, weaker heater of V3 Pro which will also be more annoying to keep clean.

I disagree with the Brick recommendations: you'll fly through your shitty weed with any of those. Not that you can't coax smaller hits out of a Brick, but you're always just a nudge of the torch from thick vapor and it seems poorly specified for your expressed need of stretching a bowl forever
Yeah i like the concept of butane based vaporizer and i like my dynavap ti woody, i'm probably gonna upgrade that one with an omni or anvil and a portable induction heater for when i'm outside and i don't have much time to get blasted, BUT i vastly prefer a classic electronic vaporizer for home use.

Still undecited between xmax 3 and TM for the moment, with a slight advantage for the TM.

So @bossman, you think the TM is perfectly ok to milk a lot of hits from a bowl right?!
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Gentleman Of Leisure
Yeah i like the concept of butane based vaporizer and i like my dynavap ti woody, i'm probably gonna upgrade that one with an omni or anvil and a portable induction heater for when i'm outside and i don't have much time to get blasted, BUT i vastly prefer a classic electronic vaporizer for home use.

Still undecited between xmax 3 and TM for the moment, with a slight advantage for the TM.
Definitely recommend the Anvil and wouldn't fuck with the Omni or Omni XL anymore: all the updated tips, caps, carbs, etc are about as consequential as a button on a kids backpack compared to the power and consistent "ride the line" performance of the massive Anvil heater.

If a noob was asking I might say try a M since it's so cheap. For anyone who already uses a vapcap the Anvil with the right torch (and I don't even like torches) brings way more to the table than a relatively frivolous but similarly expensive Omni


Well-Known Member
Definitely recommend the Anvil and wouldn't fuck with the Omni or Omni XL anymore: all the updated tips, caps, carbs, etc are about as consequential as a button on a kids backpack compared to the power and consistent "ride the line" performance of the massive Anvil heater.

If a noob was asking I might say try a M since it's so cheap. For anyone who already uses a vapcap the Anvil with the right torch (and I don't even like torches) brings way more to the table than a relatively frivolous but similarly expensive Omni
I'm waiting for a conduction heater before upgrading my dynavap to an anvil, playing 30-40 sec with a lighter is a gigantic nono.

So you think that the TM is perfectly ok for temp stepping and getting many hits from a bowl right?
No cooking between hits when i use it on demand, right?!

The xmax seems to be particularly remarkable on that aspect and it is extremely important to me.

@Squidge in the past i researched many butane vape and they are neat devices that meet some of my needs, but i just don't care about fiddling with a torch while inhaling or not having temp control or having the risk to combust are downsides that i can't ignore.
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Gentleman Of Leisure
I'm waiting for a conduction heater before upgrading my dynavap to an anvil, playing 30-40 sec with a lighter is a gigantic nono.

So you think that the TM is perfectly ok for temp stepping and getting many hits from a bowl right?
No cooking between hits when i use it on demand, right?!

The xmax seems to be particularly remarkable on that aspect and it is extremely important to me.
It's more like 20 to 25 seconds with the right torch. I have four vapcap induction heaters and zero patience for using a torch with any vapcap. I'm in no hurry for an Anvil heater now though: it's so punchy and repeatable it's more like desktop power if you replaced twenty minutes of warmup time with twenty seconds with the torch 👌

A Splinter or Z would be better than a TM for super slow temp stepping but yeah, if I only owned a TM and a V3. I'd always use the TM with a j-hook or bubbler and only use V3 for the beach or a concert because it's cheaper


Well-Known Member
It's more like 20 to 25 seconds with the right torch. I have four vapcap induction heaters and zero patience for using a torch with any vapcap. I'm in no hurry for an Anvil heater now though: it's so punchy and repeatable it's more like desktop power if you replaced twenty minutes of warmup time with twenty seconds with the torch 👌

A Splinter or Z would be better than a TM for super slow temp stepping but yeah, if I only owned a TM and a V3. I'd always use the TM with a j-hook or bubbler and only use V3 for the beach or a concert because it's cheaper
If i can stop combusting i see myself buying more than a device for on demand down on the line.

I just have to decide what to buy first, on one hand if i buy a TM and i can't stop combusting i basically wasted 300 euros, at least with the xmax the waste of money would be like 1/3...

On the other hand, having the best on demand device on my hands couod help defeating combustion more than a good but not top tier device.

Holy cow the anvil sound like a super beast:freak:

Decisions decisions...

P.s. i'm well aware that the ecig mods vaporizer are probably the closest thing to my perfect device but i just hate dealing with wattages, custom firmware, coils and all that stuff.
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Well-Known Member
So you think that the TM is perfectly ok for temp stepping and getting many hits from a bowl right?
No cooking between hits when i use it on demand, right?!

The xmax seems to be particularly remarkable on that aspect and it is extremely important to me.
I think the V3Pro is better choice for multiple on-demand sessions, don’t think the ™ will give all that many sessions you are after. :2c:


Well-Known Member
I think the V3Pro is better choice for multiple on-demand sessions, don’t think the ™ will give all that many sessions you are after. :2c:
What do you mean with multiple on demand sessions?

Do you think that the TM is good for people who want to clear a bowl with a couple of hits?? But not for prolonging a bowl as much as possible?!

Isn't the temp you chose more important than having a powerfull heater in theory? The powerfull heater only reach a temp faster right?

Or you are telling me that vaping at 180C on the Tm is like vaping at 200 on the xmax 3?
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Well-Known Member
It's more like 20 to 25 seconds with the right torch. I have four vapcap induction heaters and zero patience for using a torch with any vapcap. I'm in no hurry for an Anvil heater now though: it's so punchy and repeatable it's more like desktop power if you replaced twenty minutes of warmup time with twenty seconds with the torch 👌

A Splinter or Z would be better than a TM for super slow temp stepping but yeah, if I only owned a TM and a V3. I'd always use the TM with a j-hook or bubbler and only use V3 for the beach or a concert because it's cheaper
It's not so difficult. A lot of people here seem to pursue all the options on the 510s. I have them all, splinters, dreamwood, iheat, etc.

I kept meaning to learn all the tricks of TCR, but still just stick to using wattage only and they all work great!

Also with the build your own aspect you can control a lot for price and It can grow with you. So you're not stuck in a one off type device.


Well-Known Member
Interesting comparison

Xmax V3 pro vs Tinymight
by u/TheSmithStreetBand in vaporents

p.s. one thing i forgot to say that i personally hate in the TM (and i hated in my solo\air) is the fact that the weed is inside the bowl of the glass stem but there is nothing to avoid the weed falling into the heater and with the solo i was so scared that i had to keep the device with a wierd angle or just upside down when i was using it, i vastly prefer the xmax type of bowl because the weed is already inside and it can't fall down because of the screens.

Add to that the fact that with convection vaporizers you can't really pack super tight to keep the weed inside but you have to pack loose so the weed is not well pressed into the bowl and can fall down with sudden movements and stuff.

Maybe i'm just paranoid but with the solo i never took the chance and i really hated to keed the device upside down, it was super uncomfortable.
Do you people ever had a problem with the weed falling inside the heater?! or maybe there is a screen before reaching the heater and i just can't see it in reviews and pics.
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
@GymWolf I'm late to the thread today so I'm not sure what the open question is, TM is minimal maintenance, depending how you use it exactly, like I am using glass stem WPA through other glass pieces, hardly ever have to clean anything, with the cooling unit you have to clean more... I also have Phineas cooling glass stems to use instead of that stock setup now... Yes I milk bowls, I start as low as possible on the dial, and move it up tiny bit by tiny bit for each hit, but you're still not going to get 30 hits which is I think what you were asking for? I don't think you're going to get 20, closer to 12 max probably? No starting required, but if you load too much, then you will need to stir, though you probably would get more hits then... And yeah you never know if you will have problems, I just don't want you to spend all the money and get mad, plenty of people buy it and love it out of the box, but some people get defects and some people struggle, nothing is for everyone and nothing is perfect, typically...

Pushing you towards the Air Max, was because you seem to really want to milk a bowl, and that has very slow extraction, yes to eat up is slower, but they have sped it up to where it is about 15 seconds now I think? Certainly not on demand, but I don't know that's what I said about having to compromise, every vape is going to be a compromise, you may want to compromise on the on-demand feature itself...

TM is a little faster to heat up than X-Max probably, but it's still not instant on demand, exactly, depends on the temp settings and the battery level, but generally it is faster and I consider it instant for my needs, I'm just saying it's not like a Hopper IO at all or a Tafée Bowle (those are truly instant, like sticky bricks)

Not sure if I missed anything, but yes the TM is still my overall favorite, most versatile and effective and flavorful, some of the best vapor quality the way I use it. If I had to have just one vape, this would be it...

If you could score a splinter, preset up with a mod, that might be an ideal, although it still wouldn't be as simple and portable per se, durable, in a sense, but slowing down your session would be perfect potentially (also great vapor quality)
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