My first vape

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Hey FC :)

I've finally decided to stop doing my lungs an injustice and pull the trigger on smoking. so i've narrowed it down to the Silver Surfer SSV or the Extreme Q 4.0 and would like some opinions from anyone with experience with both vapes.

Both are the same price and the only the only thing pulling me towards either is that i would prefer a direct tube like the SSV has instead of using an inflatable bag like w the Extreme Q.


On a Permanent Vakation
subzer0 said:
Hey FC :)

I've finally decided to stop doing my lungs an injustice and pull the trigger on smoking. so i've narrowed it down to the Silver Surfer SSV or the Extreme Q 4.0 and would like some opinions from anyone with experience with both vapes.

Both are the same price and the only the only thing pulling me towards either is that i would prefer a direct tube like the SSV has instead of using an inflatable bag like w the Extreme Q.

I don't have any experience with the ssv, but I own the q. seems like you might be a little miss understood. The Q has the option to do bags, but the q also can do whip hits....


Combustion free since '09
As stated above the EQ can do bags or whip hits though I am not a bag fan myself. I don't have the EQ but I do own an SSV. It is a great heavy hitter that would appease a heavy bong smoker even I think. No complaints from me on the SSV. Easy to use and works very well. No fancy electronics to break either.


Out to lunch
i would prefer a direct tube like the SSV
If you're not interested in filling bags the SSV is the way to go. The Extreme doesn't measure up to the Surfer in the direct draw dept.


Well-Known Member
Same as Max, SSV all the way... and with the no hands-free no percolating weed.


another vote for the ssv. atm it is my main vape that i use everyday. it is a beast that gives me just the kind of thick tasty hoots i am looking for. :) it also vapes hash and oils very nicely too i love a hash bowl session in the ssv. the bowl goes on and on..... :ko:

the ssv is the king of the whip vape world: the EQ is the jack of all trades but gets beat out when you compare it against other vapes that only do the 1 thing well


Well-Known Member
OP, if money is an issue you might want to consider DBV, its the exact same functionality as the SSV without some of the sexiness (from what i understand =o)


Well-Known Member
SD_haze said:
OP, if money is an issue you might want to consider DBV, its the exact same functionality as the SSV without some of the sexiness (from what i understand =o)

Vitolo recently summed up why he prefers an SSV over a DBV really well at post 1876.

You asked me for my opinion.. and that is what I will give. Both units are sturdy. Both heat the same.
I prefer the SSV in function, and I will outline why it is the one I prefer.
A funny thing though... Aesthetically, I find the DBV to be prettier!
1-I like a hand held wand, and heater cover. On my DBV, I had to change cover and wand for the control I like. I do not care for hands free wands, because the unit can get pulled of a surface if not careful, and a "hanging glass wand" in a "ground glass" connector can break.
2- I was not always comfortable in all lighting aiming my wand into the DBV hole ( after I put on a standard heater cover). The SSV has an easier access heater (still recessed for safety- I have been in most situations.. it is safe)
3- the SSV is leaning at a very nice angle. You can glance down in there, and see that it is clean, and the heater aims downward too.
This allows you to hold the wand not straight out like a sword, but aiming slightly upward ( like leaning a microphone toward a person to have them speak. This reduces any chance of spillage, or loss from sloppy movement. The SSV is the only high quality vaporizer with this downward angle.
4- Finally.. the dial (heater control knob). It is in the front on the DBV.
I like the fact that the SSV dial is in the back. It is large enough and easy enough to reach when you want it. But remember this is a continuous dial, not discreet ( no "" into positions)
The DBV dial can be nudged, by the wand whip, or by a sl;oppy friend.
The SSV dial is out of the way, and can't be accidentaly nudged, unless you reach for the knob.
I owned both. I preferred the SSV ( still do)
Please remember. This post is not here to make DBV owners feel that an SSV is better.
They are dynamite vapes, and in spite of all of the new technology.. they ain't goin' nowhere!
I have likes and dislikes, as do all the vaporists here, and I tried to answer objectively.

But yes, they are similar vaporizers and you may want to consider the DBV.


Thanks alot for the replys guys. SD_ as far as money goes the max i want to spend is 200.

Think I'm going to go with the Silver Surfer, just have to decide from where and in which colour :)


So i just found some deals where the SSV comes with a portable vape aswell which look pretty convenient for when your not at home.

What do you guys think about these additional vapes, I'm most interested in the vapir No2 deal, and the prices?

so SSV + MagicFlightBox = 251

SSV + Iolite = 261

SSV + Vapir No2 = 286


Active Member
I currently own a MFLB and an NO2, and I did some research on the iolite before making any vaporizer purchases.

I'd definitely recommend the combo with the MFLB. The NO2 would overlap with a desktop vape, IMO. The MFLB can be taken/used in MANY more places than the NO2.

I was in the market for an EQ also, but now I'm looking at the SSV..


of those 3 there I have no interest in ther others with the exception to the mflb. that is a vape worth owning for when you are not at home :D :brow:


Revolting Peasant
I have to chime in o all above and say IMO that it does depend what you want your portable for and how you use it. I have both the LB and Iolite, and whilst I use and like them both they're not quite in the same niche. Whilst I love my LB, and it has a well earned fan base, it's not a perfect answer to all portable situations. When I'm active, doing a lot of fishing or something that needs my hands (like driving :uhoh:), the LB can be a pain in the ass- you have to be fairly active in the way that you use it- press, slow draws, shake etc. Even worse if you've got wet or dirty hands. (but in fairness I used to have the same problem rolling joints or filling a bowl with wet/dirty hands)

With my Iolite I can fill the bowl, ingnite it, stick it in an open jacket/bag pocket with a whip leading out and be merrily slowly sipping on vapor for up to 40 mins off a packed full bowl of good bud (right enough it tastes like shite for 35 mins of that, but still with very visible vapor). This is when the Iolite wins for me- When I don't have free hands. I would guess that the same may apply to the N02.

But if you're just looking for a portable to get a sneaky quick hit out and about in urban situations, then the LB is a pretty good choice IMO.

EDIT: I can't endorse Iolite from a reliability perspective. Only on the convenience detailed above. I'm on my 3rd exchange, + 1 gratis unit. Only ever used premium fuel. Now I'm out of warranty so not sure how much longer I will be an Iolite user, unless repairs become cheaply available. Not sure if I will chance the wispr.
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