Hello fellows!
To cut a long story very short, I went through many years of abusing my lungs with joints and cigs. So after many failed attempts at quitting I finally bought a PLENTY VAPE which I'm really happy with! It gives me great vapor and I believe it has a really consistent effect on the bud in terms of no combustion.
I've not been smoking now for eleven months and I've only had the odd VAPE session because it was causing massive amounts of paranoia because the bud I got used to smoking was much stonger when vaped.
Anyway I'm here because I have a question and I want some advice. I've started vaping regularly on my days off from work because I find it helps me focus on a task and learn more and I'm trying to better myself. I also obviously enjoy it
! When I first quit smoking I was coughing up loads of dark coloured mucus and sometimes even had to force the mucus out. It was not a great time in my life and really put me off even vaping for a little while.
Last week I vaped every day twice a day and started to really enjoy the feeling again, getting control of my paranoid thoughts I was able to enjoy my favorite past time. For some reason though I could feel mucus in my lungs again, like a really shallow vibrating feeling in the top part of my lung almost like the mucus was hanging off of the lung walls. I've been symptom free for months and now suddenly I'm feeling this again, It's starting to make me concerned about weather I'm doing the right thing for my health. I've even started to cough up Dark coloured mucus again.
I've read around that cannabis use in general can have the effect of widening the tubes in our lungs to allow for the lungs to clear out more efficiently?
I've also read that this could be because my vapor is dry and it is perhaps irritating my lungs?
As i write this I can feel this mucus very slightly now and I've taken a break from vaping for four days.
I hoped and assumed that community this large may have came across a similar experience and can explain this to me. Any sources to validate your responses would be great.
Also If you think it might be a good idea to use a water pipe/bubbler with my vape to stop this or help with this then can you suggest a good product to attach to my plenty vaporizer?
Hope this is in the right place, I understand that some of you have much more taxing problems than I and I wish you all the best of luck with them!
To cut a long story very short, I went through many years of abusing my lungs with joints and cigs. So after many failed attempts at quitting I finally bought a PLENTY VAPE which I'm really happy with! It gives me great vapor and I believe it has a really consistent effect on the bud in terms of no combustion.
I've not been smoking now for eleven months and I've only had the odd VAPE session because it was causing massive amounts of paranoia because the bud I got used to smoking was much stonger when vaped.
Anyway I'm here because I have a question and I want some advice. I've started vaping regularly on my days off from work because I find it helps me focus on a task and learn more and I'm trying to better myself. I also obviously enjoy it

Last week I vaped every day twice a day and started to really enjoy the feeling again, getting control of my paranoid thoughts I was able to enjoy my favorite past time. For some reason though I could feel mucus in my lungs again, like a really shallow vibrating feeling in the top part of my lung almost like the mucus was hanging off of the lung walls. I've been symptom free for months and now suddenly I'm feeling this again, It's starting to make me concerned about weather I'm doing the right thing for my health. I've even started to cough up Dark coloured mucus again.
I've read around that cannabis use in general can have the effect of widening the tubes in our lungs to allow for the lungs to clear out more efficiently?
I've also read that this could be because my vapor is dry and it is perhaps irritating my lungs?
As i write this I can feel this mucus very slightly now and I've taken a break from vaping for four days.
I hoped and assumed that community this large may have came across a similar experience and can explain this to me. Any sources to validate your responses would be great.
Also If you think it might be a good idea to use a water pipe/bubbler with my vape to stop this or help with this then can you suggest a good product to attach to my plenty vaporizer?
Hope this is in the right place, I understand that some of you have much more taxing problems than I and I wish you all the best of luck with them!