My DIY debowler....


Maybe not the oldest, but possibly the fartiest!
I just bought a Dynavap from a member here, so I haven't started Dynavapping yet, but I was at the Dollar Store and saw this plastic bowl for $1.25. I like that it has a lip on the bottom to allow a little space for a screw head. One hole drilled, a screw, a nut and a couple of washer and voila! I choose a non-pointy screw thinking it would be less likely to scratch or poke through anything. The bowl is about 6" (14.5cm) in diameter. The screw come up about 1" from the bottom of the bowl. Thoughts? Thanks.

I just extracted two power magnets from an old 3.5" hard drive, so my next project is build some sort of stand.




Well-Known Member
Here's my DIT stand. I extracted the two magnets from an old 3.5" hard drive and used a 4oz mason jar. The magnets seem strong enough to pull the cap off!



good idea

I watched a video recently of someone stripping down old computer drives and mentioned the magnets from them are very strong.

This whole thread has made my day and will save some money buying a debowler and stand for my Dani Fusion 2 and future dynavapes and such.
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