Most Effecient Vaproizer of All?

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Well-Known Member
I got the HerbalAire and it seems like I have to vape about a third as much MORE pot than I used to burn in order to get the same high.
So I'm not incredibly pleased with the efficiency after that feature had been played up so much :p

Is there anything that beats it, or is vaping just not for me?

that's my top concern here: getting the most out of what little pot I can get.



Well-Known Member
I was using a bit more for the first week or two , I'm a heavy user 1/2 to full oz a week of mids , but after that my lungs changed or the way I was hitting changed or something cause I get jacked on half as much per week now . :ko:

I had two different sets of friends do the exact same thing , first week or so they was like " I dont know man , are you sure about this vaporizer thing . " But after them getting used to it , they are in love , and using less .

Edit : You can hold your hits longer too , its not like smoke .


Well-Known Member
Hi, just my :2c: worth. The Magicflight Launchbox has worked for me. I've found I'm using about 1/4 of the product I used to go through, possibly less. :D


pepelucho, are you using the bags, primarily, or direct draw. If you are just using bags you might try a few sessions using direct draw to see if the higher vapor to air ratio gets you where you want to be any faster. How did you smoke before getting the herbie? I've salways been focused on efficiency, due to the scarcity where I live and the distance I have to travel in order to re-up, so I'm wondering if my efficiency gains are going to be more modest than others have reported. :hmm:

I think if you're used to smoking J's or packing monster bowls you will get a very big boost in eficiency because with vaporization, when you stop inhaling (or inflating a balloon), the extraction process stops. With combustion, even after you stop inhaling, the herbs can continue to burn. I always hated to see that smoke rising off the bowl after I'd taken a hit. :cry: Such a waste. I love that with vaporizing you don't have any of that. :tup:


Well-Known Member
pepelucho said:
I got the HerbalAire and it seems like I have to vape about a third as much MORE pot than I used to burn in order to get the same high.
So I'm not incredibly pleased with the efficiency after that feature had been played up so much :p

Is there anything that beats it, or is vaping just not for me?

that's my top concern here: getting the most out of what little pot I can get.

The PD has cut my consumption by more than half and I used to use nothing but bong/lighter...

if the vaping alone isn't getting you where you want try a hit or two of smoking to get that insta rush and vape to maintain :2c:


I'm El Diablo Baby!!!
The one two combusto-vape punch is my favorite way to get stoned at night
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