

Pure Vaporist
A friend in Montana recently told me that because he has a state issued MMJ card, he cannot exercise his 2nd amendment rights. Can this be true?

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey

(I can't guarantee these facts, especially given I'm not American, but here's my understanding of the situation:)

Firearms licenses are a federal thing. (EDIT: evidently this part is wrong)

You cannot get a firearms license if you are a user of a controlled substance.

MJ is a federally controlled substance.

Yet another governmental colossal dick move. (That the ATF specifically notified gun shops not to sell to MMJ card holders)

I find it interesting that so many people kick up such a major shitstorm whenever there's any mention of gun control in the media, yet this doesn't seem to have garnered much attention from anyone than those directly affected :shrug:
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Frederick McGuire,


Vapor Sloth
You only need a federal license if you want to become a firearms dealer, or construct a SBR or a suppressor, or some kind of fully automatic machine gun (class III).

Conceal carry permits are issued at the state level, here in Oregon by the County Sheriff. I think they may be referring to some states that will not allow you to conceal carry and have a MMJ license at the same time. Here in Oregon the Judge would not allow the x-referencing of the two databases when the cops tried it.

Now there is some gun confiscation going on in CA I hear though . . .
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