So I decided to go ahead and take one for the team and picked up one of these bad boys. Disclaimer: (The following is a lame excuse for a review brought to you by a noob

So received this in the mail:
First impressions...
Build quality looks pretty good except for the mouthpiece (looks like someone with a shaky hand cut the end off with a razor blade.) Open it up and WHAT IS THAT SMELL??? Oh, I know, it must be the new burning metal and plastic vaporizer perfume!! At least it is evidence that they do test them before they send them out!
Put the Mont Dank together and threw it on top of my Vamo (vv/vw e-cig mod), looks nice, fits in the ego well well!
Test the ohms on the coil and read 1.2 (lowest possible ohm value that the Vamo will run)
Start the unit off at 3V. Coil heats up and Bam, there is that lovely perfume smell again only stronger. I think to myself, "are you sure you want to do this?" Damn right I do. What could a little burning metal plastic vapor do.
So, I fill up the Mont Dank...
and lite it up at 3V and nothing
3.5V Nothing
4.0V Nothing
4.5V Nothing
4.7V mmmm a little sweet, sweet vapor on exhale, oh wait a second that doesn't taste like vapor. Straight combustion.

Seriously, how did we think that smoking herbs tasted good back in the day before vaping?
Take a few more pulls at 4.7 and nothing more really comes out so I bump it up to 5V and get a little more smoke. At this point I decide to cut my losses and see what she looks like inside...
Yep, Black around the center and green everywhere else. Below is a picture of the AVB.
Mont Dank on the left, un-vaped in the center and Pinnacle on the right.
(notice the cute little black specs surrounded by green on the left one)
Conclusion: This thing looks really good on my Vamo. That's about it (you know the whole if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all thing)
Still going to give this a few more shots but wanted to get some initial thoughts out.
Anyone heard of this yet? It looks like it would combust if used in the way they have illustrated, but it also seems like it should be easy to modify with an extra screen into perhaps working...
Hey King, any more thoughts on modification, I am not sure just wrapping a screen around the heating post would act much different but am definitely going to give it a shot. Also thinking about adjusting the collar that holds the screen prior to mouthpiece so that I could use another screen to keep all material off and above the heating post. Just thought I would see what you were thinking when you thought of modifying.
Worse case scenario it will be fun to see how long the coil would stand up to double stacked 18350's at 15 watts on the Vamo. That's gotta be worth 40 bucks, right?