For those wondering(some have questioned above), the numbers for the Stereo Matrix Tubes that comes before the "t"(which stands for tube, & the Stereo Matrix Bubbler has a "b" after its #), is the model name but is also a functional identification for the size of the tube. The 'can' of the tube is 60mm or 65mm in diameter(5mm thick); depending on if it's a '60t' or the taller '65t'.
Jam--I definitely think you might prefer the 60t, it's still quite large(imo), & has more volume than the large-bubbler(single perc). The 65t is far too much volume for my small lungs, personally. You will know soon enough I guess! I'm interested to hear the results.
I've been trying out my CloudBuddy on different glass, & eventually ended up with my Leisure(Luke Wilson) 15-Arm DEWAR Bubbler out & testing, & ohhhhh I like!

It's no matrix perc though

..& that's why I mention it. It feels like the perfect volume, & the Matrix Bubbler (not ION) seems to be similar in size. Looks like I need another Mobius piece..