oh, yeah, the neck issues are not as bad with these taller pieces, they have slightly bent necks, and are taller, so I don't have to bend down to reach them. Not as hard, as say, using the Hydracirc, which is a straight tube and cranes my neck some, but it was that 9" Ion that was hurting me to use as my daily driver, sitting on my desk forcing me to lean forward and down to reach it if I wanted to use it hands free which is what I am looking for in a desk set up where I spend most of my day. 65t was so tall I had to either bring it lower to my keyboard shelf to reach the mouthpiece in a seated position, or I had to stand up. 60t is a good height for just barely leaning into it while sitting at my desk, and it can be tilted easily towards me, so far it's working better than the rest did. Very reminiscent of the size of that 12" DG mini I had before.
I am still not 100% sure this is the final one though. I would say my attention is turning not towards the shape/size but how this stemless design drags when you go to hit it. I remember the Ion having almost 0 drag, you pull and the vapor starts to flow down the stem before you barely have any suction going. With this stemless design, you have to move the water first to create the suction, so it requires a bit more force to get started. That actually works fine for the Cloud, it requires a stronger pull to get it going. It's the other vapes I have with more restricted draw, that I am noticing a bit of discomfort from the draw, they require a gentler pull.
I am not convinced that I will be stopping here with the 60t. I am still considering that larger Ion, the 11" size. It maybe my last hope of finding the right balance of size/performance for my desk set up. What I miss from the Ion was the easy pull. I could milk the hell out of it and barely use any effort on the draw (good example is that slow milk video). I just didn't like how low the profile of that mini ion was, making me bend down to use it. I'll stick with this 60t for now, until I find the next sweet deal on a larger Ion. Eyes are still open...

If/when I do find one, I may end up keeping both just to have a stemless in the collection.