Well-Known Member
I'm 35 Yrs. old and just had a pacemaker installed yesterday. Are there any known side effects of vaping with a pace maker? Does anyone here have a pacemaker and vape regularly?
I may have to look into this. I live in Vegas and although I avoid casinos like the plauge whenever family or friends come to town off to the casinos we go. Luckily I have had no problems so far. How old was your uncles pace maker? From what I understand they have made alot of advancements to pace makers over the years. No worring about microwaves for meA little side note uncle had one for years...only time he ever had bad issues,is when at the Casino.. had to rush down twice,to meet him at the hospital..I think it was all the electronics setting it off ..
It just so happens I had to get a pace maker because of a really slow heartbeat.
On average low to mid 40's. I went to the hospital to get stitches after a fall, completely unrelated to my heart, and while being admitted I passed out. When I passed out they noticed my heart rate dropped below 40. So after two days in the hospital for observation my heart rate never got above 47. I think that's ok for a marathon runner or an Olympic athlete but I'm far from oneHow slow was your heartbeat?