mixed or single strain cannabutter/cannaoil?

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Well-Known Member

I've got quite a few strains of cannabis around and decided to make cannabutter.

I don't have enough of each strain to make, for example, 'gdp cannabutter' so I'd be mixing various Indicas in one cannabutter and various Sativas in another cannabutter.

Since I've not done this before, I'm wondering if it will make a pleasant end result to use or a nauseating blend of too many different strains.

Better to just vap it or might I end up with a crazy good combo of different strains?

Thanks for any advice.



After the herb has been vaped, most of its flavanoids have been vaporized (I think they have one of the lowest boiling points) so the taste should taste relatively the same.

I am not sure though. I have never made batches with widely different strains and I have only made edibles once.


Amongst the corn
I make edibles regularly- very rarely one strain. I don't notice an effect difference between them. I just use what I happen to have, and many times it's stuff I've passed over for vaping because of taste or what-not. I save the odd, old bits and make stoner-treats. It's about time to update the recipe-box on FC here with a holiday treat(s) TBD..
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