Mist Herbal Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
Where did you get $500????? Initially the MistVape will be about $250 for the complete unit including AC adapter, batteries and charger. I will probably offer I will probably offer the unit without the battery/charger for around $180 and you can add the battery/charger later.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Where did you get $500????? Initially the MistVape will be about $250 for the complete unit including AC adapter, batteries and charger. I will probably offer I will probably offer the unit without the battery/charger for around $180 and you can add the battery/charger later.

Ah ok yeah lol, now that is a more than fair price for a vape like this. $250 for the full package is great, portable ability and a true plugin. Then $180 give or take for a mini desktop is pretty perfect too, that's a great value imo
Shit Snacks,


Well-Known Member
The latest design
I am considering making the top the same thickness and eliminate the difference in thickness from the portion with the controls to the front of the unit where the stem loads. Purely aesthetic it won't effect the way it works.
The color code on the temperature setting wheel has five settings and each sector has a number, it is a bit easier to use now.
I have four units on the bench and hope to have them ready in the next day or two.
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
The latest design
I am considering making the top the same thickness and eliminate the difference in thickness from the portion with the controls to the front of the unit where the stem loads. Purely aesthetic it won't effect the way it works.
The color code on the temperature setting wheel has five settings and each sector has a number, it is a bit easier to use now.
I have four units on the bench and hope to have them ready in the next day or two.

Nice and cleaned up! Really looks great fit and finish wise. And interesting, oven on the side. No way to make it narrower though? (If that's what you meant by move the controls and it makes it all a narrower rectangle I think that would be better, oven on side or top). I guess now you have to use it right side up, though power is on the bottom. Good for batteries though and I like that notch in the door! ;)

So what temps are the 5, and can you move within a color/number for more temps? Presuming they have wide ranges right?

I think a lid would be a good idea for the oven, especially if it's on the side. Maybe a magnet wood one to those four screws? Also a place for a stir stick/pick would actually be nice too...

Another nice additional accesory if possible could be a carry case, for battery, unit, stems, one big one or smaller ones or both? A stem case would be useful for portable use though I do love it as a desktop... Could be wierd using through water with the sideways oven, ac cord on top but it is a good cord and I'm sure I could adjust. Hard to say about any of it without trying it ofcourse, should work the same
Shit Snacks,


Well-Known Member
Lots of potential tweaks. Making up 10 circuit boards now and I have four new frames cut out, still have to make top plates, battery doors and heater cover/trim piece. I have supplies to finish the ten units except for AC adapters.
The low temp is 330 on the surface of the bowl, this gives a relaxed effect not too strong. Mid range gives a potent effect. High only registers 470 but it definitely chars the herb and is hotter than I need. I can tweak the temp, maybe have a high temp model? I'll get some of these out to testers and go from there but I have some local sales of this model so it's nice to see a little cash flow after all this time.
The front end loading makes it like a log. Using it without a bubbler is easy because the stem fits really snug so it just stays in place, you can pass it around and the stem stays put. I just got twenty stems and will probably be able to sell them for $8 each, I have a supplier but in the future I have to buy a couple hundred at a time. These stems are Lenz glass, German made very fine stuff.
Stay tuned things are moving fast.


Well-Known Member
made a minor change but it looks a lot better
also added a larger radius to the edges which again is a small change but looks much nicer. I'll post more pics in a couple of weeks. Leaving for vacation so I'm off the grid for a bit.
I made completed two units over the last couple of weeks and things are really falling into place. The assembly has been very smooth with minimal tweaking, in the past each assembly was a tweaking nightmare.
Also the person who bought the first MistVape of year showed it to a friend and I now have the second sale of the year. When I get back from vacation I'll get more units made and send new units to the testers.
Thanks to all for their input and invaluable help.


Well-Known Member
Just a quick update. I finished 4 units and sent three off to friends and beta testers not on fc. Started 6 more units this week and am planning on sending a few of those to fc testers. Making a few cosmetic changes but the base design seems solid. I'll update as things progress


Well-Known Member
I'm really excited about this one. I hope production goes smoothly and I can hope to snag when of these when they are available. I know its probably unpredictable when that will be, I can't wait to see how this progresses.


Well-Known Member
thanks, nice to hear there is enthusiasm out there. Currently I am taking two units to completion to see how the cosmetic changes go, making sure there isn't an unforeseen snag. So far so good on that. Hope to have those two done by the weekend then I will work on the other four. If you want to reserve one of these let me know, info@mistvaporizer.com and I'll put your name on one, there will actually only be one extra. After this run I have to order more wood and will probably start a run of 12 units. I'll post pics later this week or asap.


Well-Known Member
thanks, nice to hear there is enthusiasm out there. Currently I am taking two units to completion to see how the cosmetic changes go, making sure there isn't an unforeseen snag. So far so good on that. Hope to have those two done by the weekend then I will work on the other four. If you want to reserve one of these let me know, info@mistvaporizer.com and I'll put your name on one, there will actually only be one extra. After this run I have to order more wood and will probably start a run of 12 units. I'll post pics later this week or asap.

I sent you an email. I'm definitely interested. Thanks!

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
ship one unit to a fc tester today, working on four more now. Here are some pics
The top is now smoother and slightly angled which gives a much cleaner look

Wow looks fantastic! Now that is a production ready body! Well done man, looking forward to some other people joining us here...

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Ok so the tester feels the unit is too hot, it chars on low unless the cup screen is way down the stem. I will rework that unit with a lower temp range.
Ordered wood for 20 or so additional units, hope to have some ready late March.

I don't usually have the cup screen that close to the stem, but I guess it should be? I dono I was used to Underdog so I left it that way. Of course I have a wider range on the prototype... Yeah char in low is never good so good to prevent that, but yes I am all for a lower temp range regardless, as I said i was able to get nice vapor at the lowest setting of mine so it's useful

And that sounds like a good number for an initial production run and a great timeline! Do you think you will do pre orders or sell when ready (I wonder if there is demand for a waitlist then?) Looking forward to the final design, and having more testers around here soon!
Shit Snacks,
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I thought that moving the cup screen further from the heater would add a secondary heat regulation, that way it could accommodate higher temps but that turns out to be not a good plan. So I am reworking one unit and the three on the bench. They will be set to start at around 250 F.
I'll probably do the next batch (with the new wood) in groups of 6 to 8 and see what kind of interest there is.
As soon as I figure out how to manage it I'll take some kind of reservation for upcoming units, don't want to get into pre paid or anything like that. I'll post in the next few weeks how reservations can be done.
Starting to look at having parts made at a machine shop, I think they can do it faster and more accurately than I can. Going to send prints out next week for price quotes.


Well-Known Member
Just received a wood shipment, enough for more than 50 units. Beautiful quilted maple. The wood supplier bought two vapes! Making a couple minor changes to the heater assembly. Going to add a glass tube to protect the wood from charring, should improve the flavor. Plan on starting the new batch next week.


Well-Known Member
made one complete unit with some tweaks. 1/8" wider and longer. Glass chimney that encloses the heater assembly and more airspace around the front so the area where the stem inserts is not touching the heater. Also moderated the temp a bit, last unit paytonpenn saw was too hot. I like these changes a lot. Have five units in the works and hope to have some finished by next week.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
made one complete unit with some tweaks. 1/8" wider and longer. Glass chimney that encloses the heater assembly and more airspace around the front so the area where the stem inserts is not touching the heater. Also moderated the temp a bit, last unit paytonpenn saw was too hot. I like these changes a lot. Have five units in the works and hope to have some finished by next week.


Those sound like great little improvements, a more pure and polished final product. How does durability seem btw? Just something that comes to mind when glass is involved internally (especially since the final version seems much more portable as well), but I still would choose its performance despite any added fragility.

Can't wait to try it out, I used the prototype one more time before packing things up two weeks ago, and forgot how strong its signature was. Made getting out that day very challenging... I'm settling into my new place in Cali so just let me know when you're ready for me to test it out, probably should have it sent to a post office for me to pick up though as receiving packages here could be tricky...

Congratulations on the latest complete unit and good luck with these final steps to getting those first five built man! Oh and another big thanks to @paytonpenn for working hard testing this technology to help get everything just right for production!
Shit Snacks,
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Well-Known Member

Those sound like great little improvements, a more pure and polished final product. How does durability seem btw? Just something that comes to mind when glass is involved internally (especially since the final version seems much more portable as well), but I still would choose its performance despite any added fragility.

Can't wait to try it out, I used the prototype one more time before packing things up two weeks ago, and forgot how strong its signature was. Made getting out that day very challenging... I'm settling into my new place in Cali so just let me know when you're ready for me to test it out, probably should have it sent to a post office for me to pick up though as receiving packages here could be tricky...

Congratulations on the latest complete unit and good luck with these final steps to getting those first five built man! Oh and another big thanks to @paytonpenn for working hard testing this technology to help get everything just right for production!
The glass chimney is well isolated, held firmly in place by the nose cone cover and I think you would have to try really hard to break it. I guess I'll throw one against the wall to see :-)
Feel pretty confident it will be fine.
btw I'm calling the small piece of wood with the hole for the stem the nose cone cover since my sweetie said she thought the new design looked like a rocket. I don't see the rocket but I do need a name for each part so I went with it.

The glass chimney is well isolated, held firmly in place by the nose cone cover and I think you would have to try really hard to break it. I guess I'll throw one against the wall to see :-)
Feel pretty confident it will be fine.
btw I'm calling the small piece of wood with the hole for the stem the nose cone cover since my sweetie said she thought the new design looked like a rocket. I don't see the rocket but I do need a name for each part so I went with it.
Oh Snacks when you're ready for that tattoo look up Zulu tattoo studio in LA
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
The glass chimney is well isolated, held firmly in place by the nose cone cover and I think you would have to try really hard to break it. I guess I'll throw one against the wall to see :-)
Feel pretty confident it will be fine.
btw I'm calling the small piece of wood with the hole for the stem the nose cone cover since my sweetie said she thought the new design looked like a rocket. I don't see the rocket but I do need a name for each part so I went with it.

Haha awesome! It is a cool name, I can kinda see the rocket. And yeah! Zulu, I may have to pop in to say hi even without the tat ;)
Shit Snacks,


Well-Known Member
Haha awesome! It is a cool name, I can kinda see the rocket. And yeah! Zulu, I may have to pop in to say hi even without the tat ;)

Forgot to mention I just got 125 battery charger circuit boards. I've been etching these by hand up until now. Having them made saves a lot of time. Hopefully I will be able to have the components soldered on by this summer, but at least I have the etched boards
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Calm Consistency
found a supplier for some shorty stems, 2" long. I will make wooden tips for them. Should be good for those not using a bubbler. I'll post some pics next week.
Not sure if it's been discussed here yet, but you can make the wood tips tapered 14mm so it's easily mated to water.
Or, optionally offer a 14mm wood tip.
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