Cloud vs MiniVAP vs Sublimator
You're going to have a long testing weekend!!!

Cloud vs MiniVAP vs Sublimator
I packed up my old unit for update. They seem to be very busy I had no news for a while and that usually means stuff coming up
I was thinking while puffin, the MV is the best thing I have ever bought. I get the sickest taste that way
Damn Roger, great video, thanks for that!! Looks like that glass is working well with the MV.
The heater on my first MV started failing, and I got a new replacement unit. The new unit works so much better, effortless vapor, pull slow, pull fast, doesn't matter. Now I see what you mean about the small loads. Such a small amount goes a looong way!
Damn Roger, great video, thanks for that!! Looks like that glass is working well with the MV.
The heater on my first MV started failing, and I got a new replacement unit. The new unit works so much better, effortless vapor, pull slow, pull fast, doesn't matter. Now I see what you mean about the small loads. Such a small amount goes a looong way!
cool vids Roger, I can clearly see the difference in restriction of the draw (by looking closely ad how much bubble action is going on with the vap attached) and it seems you are now filling up your waterpiece with vapor a lot quicker ( Iguess a result of better airflow/heating?)
my MINIVap is still going strong, and everybody, not one excluded, that tries it is amazed by the flavour and the easy draw.
So is there anybody who knows more about these updates? I have mailed jorge about it, but have not recieved any answer(this has been over a month ago).
I for one would like to know if we can apply for the update? personally, seeing I only bought the vaporizer like 3months ago, would like to think they will 'keep us in mind' so to speak. Would not mind paying a bit extra to get the updates implemented and would not mind paying a bit extra if that also means the warranty is set back to new, aka you get your full warranty starting after the update?
hope someone can give a clue and or answer to some of these questions.
That is the decarbox ring. Produces a darker avb, but extraction and taste suffers imo. It's more harsh with the herbs, kinda frying them. Huge clouds of course
does anybody know how much the extra charge is when getting the minivap shipped from spain to the usa i just called vaporizeit and they would go no lower than 758 on the pr i can get the whole kit from MInivap.com for like 617