G'morning FC, woke up early and after a few hours of reading it was late enough to me for a little laminar air flow!
I really do enjoy vapes that are modular or reconfigurable. I played with VC's for some time for this reason alone I fear. They work fine, just don't fit my usage well.....
While the MV is sorta modular with it's power base or battery, it's kinda limited. What it is though, is very adaptable! I change how I use it all the time. Lately, it's been an fc+ with a silicone whip extension and a glass mouthpiece.
What a relaxing way to read or watch tv!
I've also been playing with loading direct, but the mess is bothersome for the little perceived differences. I remember now why I settled on baskets.
Really enjoying my MV and looking forward to trying the QGC. Once I have an MV for both my and my gf's houses, I think I'll pick a smaller portable and my two MV's and thin the heard. I feel guilty not using vapes I've purchased, almost to the point of it being stressful.
Saying that out loud makes me think I need another basket!